It has been in the high eighties here all week!!!
Very unusual for Vancouver at thi9s time of year!
Forest fires all over the province & a burn ban in effect pretty much everywhere.
At 9:00 this evening it was 83 outside!!!!
We will be in the 90's the rest of the week. We had a whole antique village burn down because of a grass fire. So, sad!
You can find some good cuts of Sirloin. They are more affordable. Grilled, they are really good. And really good fried, which is a no-no! But, I do that when I'm in a hurry and need to get something on the table for my husband. He loves them smothered in fried onions!
If I was going to eat anything unhealthy and feel good about it - that would be it - fried steak and onions!