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Old 07-01-2008, 07:21 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

Jim does this law also prohibit church involvement for any type of sexual offender ... I mean someone who does not hurt a child ... but rather commits a crime against another adult .... or is convicted for public indecency?
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:30 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
It was about unconditional acceptance of sexual offenders in our churches without safeguards. I am sorry if you thought I meant that our churches were not to reach out to sinners no matter what the sin.
I didn't say anything about unconditional acceptance of sexual offenders in our churches without safeguards. I certainly intend to protect my children. However, I also recognize that the church needs to reach out to anyone who is lost, no matter what the sin.

Daniel is right about my 'issues'...I have family members who were molested within churches; i.e., Apostolic boy scout troops, church camp, during local services, ect. If you check statistics...93% of sexual predators are men although there are approx 7% that are females. I do not believe all men are sexual deviants, nor do I believe all women to be holy and righteous. Things are what they are...and yes, some of us were - but are no longer because of the grace of God.

You will find many sex offenders that are not repentant and continue to do the deed under the shelter of our ideas of grace and mercy. We need wisdom. I need wisdom.
I understand that to be a fact, and like I stated earlier, I usually take an extreme position on this matter. I'm just trying to temper my...temper...a little better than I usually do.

I don't know if you recall, but last year, a pastor friend of my parents (whose daughter I practically grew up with) was charged with child molestation--in my opinion, that pastor should never be around a child again--ever--under any circumstances. Maybe it seems different to me, because he was a Christian. I tend to have less sympathy for the Saved People who commit such crimes. I don't know if that's justified, or if its a weakness I need God to help me with.

What I'm trying to say is--as a parent, I fully understand the needed protection, and the anger that wells up in me when I find out someone has harmed a child in any way. I'm just not sure that the right thing to DO with that anger is to ostracize a repentant sinner.
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:33 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

What if the law simply stated that all churches would be required to disclose the perps background to the whole congregation? And from there, allow them (the church) to do what they think is best?
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:35 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
If they are indeed repentent they will understand why this is being done. It is those who are not repentant who want unconditional accessibility, and that is because they are looking for their next victim.

Pray with your eyes wide open and your spiritual senses open to know the spirits as they work in your midst.
I completely agree.

Also, there are consequences to sin... some consequences are far reaching & long lasting -- even though they be forgiven & restored.

Just as a murderer has to spend many years, even life, in prison - there are consequences. Some of these murders become Christians while in prison; yet they must still suffer the consequences in life, here on earth.

Yes, God restores! Their eternity can be secure - they can receive salvation - Praise God for that. But again, HERE, we have to live with the consequences of our actions.
Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

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Old 07-01-2008, 07:40 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

A woman bares her chest at Mardis Gras or commits a sexual act in public with a consenting adult.... and was arrested for indecent exposure, lewdness, etc. ... 30 years ago ... and is a registered as a sex offender for life.

She should no longer be allowed to get involved in fundamental church activities ... like singing in the choir?

Part of the Christian walk is to be involved in your local church ... Christ even commands good works from us ...

Now we as a Church .... I hear us consenting and crying for the spiritual death of this repentant woman?

All she can do is petrify on a pew?

No ... you can't help distribute food to the homeless because you need to pay for what you did!!!!

Something stinks in the state of Denmark.

I don't think we believe in this Good News.

Lord, help us.
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

Originally Posted by cneasttx View Post
James what is the best predictor of future behaviors?
I don't know that there are any definite predictors of future behavior or not. But... past behavior is often used to predict future behavior. However, this isn't entirely accurate, but... given the serious of the situation, it may be all we have.

According to national statistics a sex offender WILL reoffend. That is according to statistics. In the real world, however, this is no more true than saying all recovering alcoholic will eventually return to drink. Yes...it happens. But not always. Statistically, sex offenders reoffend, but that isn't always true on the individual level. A sex offender who has lived and worked in the community for say, 20 years without a repeat offense is very unlikely to reoffend. Statistics are as true for sex offenders as they are for drug addicts and alcoholics... if they maintain a offense free lifestyle for 5 or more years, the likelihood of reoffending (or returning to drugs/alcohol) lessens. If they remain offense free for 10 years, the "re-offense curve" drops almost to zero. The first 5 years after release from incarceration is the most critical time for recovering offenders... and for recovering addicts. In fact, sex offenses are often propelled by the same mechanism that causes drug and/or alcolol addiction. The difference is that drug/alcohol addiction has the element of chemical dependency attached to it. In biblical terms, the same "demon of lust" that drives the alcoholic also drives the sex offender.

There are a couple of words I placed in bold print that needs to be addressed: IF and ALMOST. Those are critical words. And because the safety of women and children (in the case of sex offenders) are most important, great care should be taken in allowing sex offenders to take ANY position in a church where there exists the sex offenders greatest need: OPPORTUNITY. With trust, with leadership, comes OPPORTUNITY. And that is where I, if a pastor of a church, would take great care in allowing a recovering sex offender to serve in any area of ministry or function that provides opportunity. I would not allow a sex offender to participate in a church service (other than repentance, baptism, recieving the Holy Ghost, prayer, etc) unless he (or she) has successfully completed an intense sex offender program. Meetings with the recovering offender would be frequent (no less than once a month) and vists to his or her home would be often and unanounced. Certain rules would be put into effect and would be strictly observed. NO one on one contact with potential victims. Contact would be minimal and closely monitored. Theres much more, but, this will do for purposes of this conversation.

Two more things. I said:

But... past behavior is often used to predict future behavior.
PRESENT behavior, however is a better indicator. . What a person is doing NOW is a pretty good indicator of what he will to tomorrow. The Christian community walks a fine line between judging a person for what he WAS and what He IS presently.
Paul learned that after his conversion when he found those that were suspect of him for his past behaviors. If we are to judge at all, we should judge a person for what he is is NOW... not for what he was 10 or 20 years ago.

The operative word in all that I have written here is RECOVERING as in "Recovering alcoholic" or "Recovering sex offender". As much as we are repulsed by these types of offenses, we have to bear in mind the duty of a minister: " 2Ti 2:26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. We are even repulsed by the following statement but, it is true in every sense of the word: Sex offenders are victims of the same spirit that propelled them to commit their crimes. They need prayer, they need deliverance, and they need compassion and they need restoration. That isn't to say they should be given complete trust and be given a place of leadership. A RECOVERING addict wil do all within his power to avoid what is now his greatest threat: OPPORTUNITY. As a recovering alcoholic avoids the opportunity to drink, (bars, friends who drink) so will a recovering sex offender avoid situations where opprtunities to reoffend exists (and where accusations can be made). A "recovering" sex offenders who shows an inordinate interest in youth programs and activities is NOT on the road to recovery.

Well, those are the obeservations of one sitting way up high in the peanut gallery.
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:56 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
A woman bares her chest at Mardis Gras or commits a sexual act in public with a consenting adult.... and was arrested for indecent exposure, lewdness, etc. ... 30 years ago ... and is a registered as a sex offender for life.

She should no longer be allowed to get involved in fundamental church activities ... like singing in the choir?

Part of the Christian walk is to be involved in your local church ... Christ even commands good works from us ...

Now we as a Church .... I hear us consenting and crying for the spiritual death of this repentant woman?

All she can do is petrify on a pew?

No ... you can't help distribute food to the homeless because you need to pay for what you did!!!!

Something stinks in the state of Denmark.

I don't think we believe in this Good News.

Lord, help us.

It is your normal reaction/over-reaction to go for the exception and not the rule.

I think it very strange that we have people who work within our churches who feed and clothe the homeless but won't do it for family members because they think they should stop drinking, get a job, or rebuke mental illness. The fact of the matter is that the majority of the homeless population are dually diangnosed mentally ill, substance abusers, or those who make very poor financial decisons.

It is not that we are saying not to have grace and mercy on sinners...we are all aware we are all sinners and my laundry list is quite extensive itself. We all need the mercy and grace of God.

Just like the book of Romans tells us that that the grace of God does not give us license to sin, it would also tell us to try the spirits to see if they are of God or not. It also tells us to know them which labor among us.

Those quilty of being a sexual predator of any kind should not be publiclly exposed and humiliated in order to be accepted in our churches, but should be know of leadership with safeguards put in place that, though not obvious to all, are effective and rigid.

I know you say what you do to get reactions...well you have mine.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:58 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

I would not allow a sex offender to participate in a church service (other than repentance, baptism, recieving the Holy Ghost, prayer, etc) unless he (or she) has successfully completed an intense sex offender program.
This law would not allow you this condition ....i.e. intervention ... you would not be allowed to let them even collect the offering even after going through such a program.

Despite the nature of the sexual offense or decades removed.
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

Good post, OA.

What if a burglar breaks into our home? Will we protect our home and children with lethal force? Of course! But if the burglar falls to his knees mid-crime and begs for mercy and forgiveness...should we shoot him anyway?
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
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Old 07-01-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Sex offenders- prison for volunteering in chur

I would have to side with DA on this issue. If Christ has forgiven us from our sins, would we want those sins to prevent us from serving our God and local assembly?

This new law seemed to be so far reaching that it would ensnare those that made mistakes when they were a teenager (see below). How would you feel if your child had a call to preach the gospel, but couldn't because he made a poor decision to have consensual sex with a girl when he was younger?

Personally, I have trouble with anyone who would abuse a child and I wondered what I would do if someone had molested one of my nieces or nephew? However, I strongly believe if someone has been delivered and were filled with the Holy Ghost then they should be allowed to serve the Lord and their church. The only stipulation that I would be in favor of would be that the pastor be informed if there was a charge that involved molestation, rape or any violent offense.

"In addition to imposing residency and employment restrictions, Georgia's sex offender law will now criminalize religious practice," said Sara Totonchi, SCHR public policy director. "Specifically, the statute prohibits all 15,700 people on the registry from 'volunteering' at a church. Activities such as singing in an adult church choir, looking up passages for a pastor in Bible study, preparing for revivals and prayer vigils, or cooking meals in a church kitchen will now be considered criminal activity punishable by 10-30 years in prison.

"The law makes no exception for anyone -- even people who are on the registry for having consensual sex as teenagers. The new law poses an additional complication: pastors, reverends and other spiritual leaders could be charged with accessory to a crime for encouraging people on the registry to actively participate in the life of the church

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

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