Originally Posted by Luke
Rather than look for similarities or differences simply follow the Bible and in doing so you will follow Jesus.
If only. I'm finding that
refusing to enter, and barring the door abounds, at least among professed Christians. There are some emerging bright spots, however. This all used to depress me, or make me upset--but i see that it is just a
Harbinger, and there is nothing new going on. Isaiah talked about us quite succinctly.
Originally Posted by Luke
Question if one were to soley read and follow the Bible how many religions besides Christianity would they be encouraged to study and how many so called dieties would they be taught to follow?
You're asking me? Surely this will be different for everyone, don't you think? Personally, i stick to the Bible, and have been led to abandon Western Christianity wholesale; but i don't expect this from most people. I'm finding the most spirituality imparted by models that include the least religion on their face, in general; and i note that Scripture also condemns Established Religion. In many places. Your question about Deity seems disingenuous, wadr, coming from someone, or at least a forum, that can't seem to agree on One. There is only One; although other gods are recognized, obviously.
But what troubles me most about WC is not the death-centric pastors that abound, so much as the narrow-mindedness, even myopia, one might say, at the several parables that indicate that many of the chosen will never read or say the words you hold so dear, Luke. You are a good hearted person, obviously seeking God. Please don't take this personally, but when i come here, i am mostly minded of the axiom, "those who cannot do, teach."
Are you familiar with the below? I've just read it, so am relating to it at the moment; it is the best of several. Google can help. peace to you.
"The Breach. The nation that had long known blessing and security witnesses the failure of its defenses. Its walls of protection are broken through, its national security is breached, and its illusion of invincibility shattered. The days of the Harbingers begin."