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Dordrecht 06-08-2014 05:34 PM

Islamic Prayers at the Vatican

For the first time in history, Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran will be heard at the Vatican on Sunday, in a move by Pope Francis to usher in peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

shazeep 06-08-2014 07:42 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican

oneinkhorn 06-08-2014 07:53 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
Future Berlin Building to House 3 Religions Under One Roof


BERLIN, June 8 ― Christians, Muslims and Jews, all praying under the same roof ― that’s the groundbreaking project of a pastor, a rabbi and an imam in Berlin.

Not a church, nor a synagogue, or a mosque as such, but a bit of all three, the centre known currently as a “House of Prayer and Learning” will be unlike any other religious venue in the world, its initiators say.


A model of the future building.


oneinkhorn 06-08-2014 07:59 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
Plans Underway Build a "Tri-Faith" Center in Nebraska


The Tri-Faith Initiative, a partnership of the three Abrahamic faith groups — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, plans to build a Tri-Faith Center to co-locate with Temple Israel, a new church for the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska and a mosque for the American Institute of Islamic Studies and Culture. These four buildings will form a multi-faith neighborhood of collaboration.


shazeep 06-08-2014 08:11 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
if this succeeds, you will know that the world approves; if it is attacked, you will know that God does. imo

Lafon 06-08-2014 08:18 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
Does the One True God listen to, and take heed, to the prayers of false prophets who pray to a non-existent god? Yes, He hears, for nothing is hidden from Him, but since their prayers are NOT directed to Him, then I am unwilling to say that He takes heed or responds in any manner whatsoever!

oneinkhorn 06-08-2014 09:12 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
Asteroid named "Beast" to fly by Earth Sunday when Pope Allows Quran Reading in Vatican




Dordrecht 06-08-2014 10:42 PM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican

Originally Posted by Lafon (Post 1316946)
Does the One True God listen to, and take heed, to the prayers of false prophets who pray to a non-existent god? Yes, He hears, for nothing is hidden from Him, but since their prayers are NOT directed to Him, then I am unwilling to say that He takes heed or responds in any manner whatsoever!


shazeep 06-09-2014 04:54 AM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
i think this denies that Ishmael was blessed of God, #1, and also that regardless of the 'official' position of the religion here, God looks at the hearts of the adherents--which is why some Apo/Pents may even make it! :lol it is a model, guys. God has a bunch of Names, and one of them is Allah. The Qur'an plainly bows the knee to Christ. Just because it serves the PTB to divide you by presenting murderous heretics who scream "Allah" as "Muslims," in your satan-infected "news," does not mean you have to buy it. etc. Arg already.

shazeep 06-09-2014 04:56 AM

Re: Islamic Prayers at the Vatican
and Lafon, you are judging here, along with Dordt? I am surprised. "Judge yourself."

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