Originally Posted by Sassy
I don't want to call names...but it was not appropriate to post that blog....those men's words could have been taken out of context. We don't konw the heart of the thread or what ALL was said. That person only took what he wanted and it could have been just the bad......shame on all of you for jumping on the bandwagon for a public lynching! Some of you just love to look for the wrong....but on both sides there are great mean who are being judged by their words. And we all know...face to face talking is different then forums. Words can be taken WAY differently. Some of you need to personally aquaint yourself before you judge any mans character. Conservative or liberal.
Pot/kettle? You seem to be missing the big picture.
Many of those men used to post here. They talked to and about us just like they just talked about Scott.
One of them went so far as to call my work, in the hopes of getting me fired.
Spare me the pleas for sympathy.