Originally Posted by Monterrey
Prax, it won't matter, they won't see.
Nothing like having eyes but not seeing, having ears and not hearing.
good point. if the model you are using right now works for you, i wouldn't dream of trying to change your mind. i will say that i spent 20 years applying
that verse to others, before i realized that i was to apply it to
myself. Only. If you put this label on anyone else, then you are just an
accuser, are you not?
If you reflect on the Eskimo/Priest scenario, see that the priest was not
demonstrating a better way to the Eskimo, thus drawing him (and i mean, like a magnet--people should be coming to you for more, not the other way around) to himself; he was
telling him what he should do, no 'service' involved. And we wonder why missionaries get killed. It is because they dealt people
death. (and yes, evil people may want you dead simply because you have life, and demonstrate it unfailingly, thus making them feel inadequate--different scenario)
i can't say that i was 'blind' as a Pentecostal--i was a new Christian; so of course i was blind. Now i see. Grasp why Christ said, "You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me."