Originally Posted by Arphaxad
maybe He put them in hibernation mode?
Think about ways it could have happened, instead of going by sight.

How about this...
Why doesn't one of the multi-billionaire TV evangelists simply build an exact replica of Noah's Ark?
Why? Because it simply can't be done.
Some folks have tried:
(see attached photo).
The building code enforcement folks won't allow a wooden structure to be built that has spans greater than 300 feet unless the whole thing is reinforced with a heavy steel I-beam frame work and reinforced concrete piering and caissons. You see all of that in the attached photo.
A literal interpretation of
Genesis 6 leads us to believe that Noah's Ark was a free standing building for 120 years before the flood. Why can't anyone build such a building today?
The longest wooden ships ever built were the 9 masted schooners of a little over 100 years ago. These vessels approached the 300 foot limit for wooden structures and required steam driven pumps to pump out the water that continually flowed through the gaps in the planking. They were also restricted to inland routes and were never allowed to go into the open sea.
Wood is simply too flexible a material for such large ships and structures. You need a rigid material like steel for those large spans.
Of course, it would be easy to prove me wrong... if I was wrong.

But nobody can. Nobody.
There simply was never a real vessel such as "Noah's Ark." Those who demand a literal reading of
Genesis 1 through
Genesis 11, do the inspired Bible a tremendous disservice and actually advance the cause of atheism.