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Old 03-12-2010, 07:47 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Personally I think he just wanted to post a video of an elephant peeing...weirdo
Prax, don't blow my cover!!
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:50 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Sort of like the stork from the Loony Tunes cartoons dropping the baby kangaroo off in a sack attached to a parachute. Of course you have to feel sorry for the unlucky cat who runs into it thinking it is a giant mouse.... and who's son will never be able to face his friend in troop 12 again.
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:55 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
maybe He put them in hibernation mode?
Think about ways it could have happened, instead of going by sight.

How about this...

Why doesn't one of the multi-billionaire TV evangelists simply build an exact replica of Noah's Ark?

Why? Because it simply can't be done.


Some folks have tried: http://www.godsark.org/Our_Ministry_Home.html
(see attached photo).

The building code enforcement folks won't allow a wooden structure to be built that has spans greater than 300 feet unless the whole thing is reinforced with a heavy steel I-beam frame work and reinforced concrete piering and caissons. You see all of that in the attached photo.

A literal interpretation of Genesis 6 leads us to believe that Noah's Ark was a free standing building for 120 years before the flood. Why can't anyone build such a building today?

The longest wooden ships ever built were the 9 masted schooners of a little over 100 years ago. These vessels approached the 300 foot limit for wooden structures and required steam driven pumps to pump out the water that continually flowed through the gaps in the planking. They were also restricted to inland routes and were never allowed to go into the open sea.

Wood is simply too flexible a material for such large ships and structures. You need a rigid material like steel for those large spans.

Of course, it would be easy to prove me wrong... if I was wrong. But nobody can. Nobody.

There simply was never a real vessel such as "Noah's Ark." Those who demand a literal reading of Genesis 1 through Genesis 11, do the inspired Bible a tremendous disservice and actually advance the cause of atheism.
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Last edited by pelathais; 03-12-2010 at 08:41 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:01 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I've long struggled with this story! Great post!
NOW, there's a whole slough of other problems with this nice little story we tell kids in Sunday School.

But just think about the DUNG on board. We need some farmers to get on here to talk about shoveling the manure pit.

We've had dogs growing up, and my folks had to practically KILL us to shovel the doo. If it was summer time, the back yard stunk, and those soft, mushy piles were tough to stomach while hucking them over the fence and into the neighbors yard!!!

This ship was bursting at the seams with every conceivable form of waste you can imagine, and Noah's fired up staff probably talked about mutiny.

Anyone on here ever have a bird cage? How about Iguanas? Hamsters?
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:03 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
How about this...

Why doesn't one of the multi-billionaire TV evangelists simply build an exact replica of Noah's Ark?

Why? Because it simply can't be done.


Some folks have tried: http://www.godsark.org/Our_Ministry_Home.html
(see attached photo).

The building code enforcement folks won't allow a wooden structure to be built that has spans greater than 300 feet unless the whole thing is reinforced with a heavy steel I-beam frame work and reinforced concrete piering and caissons. You see all of that in the attached photo.

A literal interpretation of Genesis 6 leads us to believe that Noah's Ark was a free standing building for 120 years before the flood. Why can't anyone build such a building today?

The longest wooden ship ever built were the 9 masted schooners of a little over 100 years ago. These vessels approached the 300 foot limit for wooden structures and required steam driven pumps to pump out the water that continually flowed through the gaps in the planking. They were also restricted to inland routes and were never allowed to go into the open sea.

Wood is simply too flexible a material for such large ships and structures. You need a rigid material like steel for those large spans.

Of course, it would be easy to prove me wrong... if I was wrong. But nobody can. Nobody.

There simply was never a real vessel such as "Noah's Ark." Those who demand a literal reading of Genesis 1 through Genesis 11, do the inspired Bible a tremendous disservice and actually advance the cause of atheism.
Wow, great stuff!!!
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
Is the Ark a possible feat?

One Elephant can eat 200 lbs of food per day, and drink 50 gallons of water. Currently there are 3 species of Elephants, which would make a total of 6 on the Ark. To feed all six, for only the 4 month stay on the boat, the total food needed; 72 Tons of food, and 6000 gallons of water.
Since elephants "chew the cud" and do not "split the hoof" they would have probably been considered "clean animals" and there would have been seven of each (Genesis 7:2).

Moreover, there are approximately 150 different species of elephant known from the fossil record. This would mean that a literal reading of Noah's Ark would require at least 1050 such beasts. Just the amount of fresh water for these animals along with the dinosaurs would have out weighed the Ark's displacement and the whole affair would never have floated from its "dry dock."

Instead of looking for silly ways that this scenario might have played out literally, how about approaching the Scriptures with a fresh set of eyes and opinions and simply read the text for the truth that is there.

God's judgment and His grace are as certain today as they were thousands of years ago (much like the laws of physics). That is just one of the important messages we can get from this particular story.

We might also apply the words of Jesus after He told another parable: "Go and do thou likewise..." (Luke 10:37).

Obviously, we can't build the Ark - but we can learn from the lessons of the story and still follow in the steps of Noah's righteousness and faith just as we are commanded to follow the Good Samaritan's example of mercy - even though neither story ever literally happened.

Last edited by pelathais; 03-12-2010 at 08:17 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

would a log raft the size of the ark work?
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:25 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
No, sadly they cannot. There are no real answers at "answersingenesis."


And a note... both Glenn Morton and Mark Isaak, the authors of the two articles I've linked to at talkorigins.org, are believers.

Again, it would be real easy to prove me wrong about this... but nobody can. Nobody.

People have tried - but then they either were forced to give up or forced to "compromise" with things like steel I-beams and reinforced concrete.
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
would a log raft the size of the ark work?

1) It doesn't fit the description of the ark in Genesis which had "decks."

2) The sheering forces of the wave action against the sides of a wooden raft of 300+ feet would be as strong as against the hull of a vessel. The wooden members would have rippled. Even when not moving under power, the 9 masted schooners were described and showing a "serpentine" action as the water broke across the length of the hulls. This opened huge gaps in the planking and caulking and required that the pumps be running at virtually all times. Wood is too flexible at these lengths.

3) The weight of the animals, food and fresh water requires displacement such as you can get from the hull of a ship.

4) The stability of a weighted raft would have been terrible.

5) The animals, humans and the food stuffs would all be exposed to the elements.

6) The raft itself would have moved like a serpent up and over the swells and troughs in the sea. This would have exposed both the Ark/Raft and its contents to even greater peril as the decking seperated and crushed back together again.

Last edited by pelathais; 03-12-2010 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:38 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: Noah and the Ark

I'll admit, I am a simpleton. I believe that a God who performs miracles can keep a wooden ship together.. and if He wanted the animals to hybernate, they would. etc. etc.
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