That book has a good explanation, Sam. I arrived at the same conclusions as D.L. Welch before I read the book. I guess that makes him right.
Acts 7:55-56 says 'But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and said, Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.'
So in this scripture, it doesn't say he saw God, it says he saw the glory of God, which doesn't contradict
John 1:18, and
1 John 4:12. Moses also saw the glory of God.
Something I've often wondered about, is what happened to the resurrected body of Jesus after he ascended into heaven? Did God toss it in a crematorium, brush his hands, and say, 'Well, done with that part of my plan of salvation'. No, obviously the man Christ Jesus is still in heaven, as Stephen testified. And as we know, the Son of Man, the human form of Jesus, is not a deity, so Stephen saw one God, and at his right hand, the body he created from virgin birth to be his sacrifice on earth. This is no different than the situation prior to Christ's ascension to heaven; his body is just in a different place is all.
Now, something I haven't figured out is what will happen when we get to heaven, and how does
1 Corinthians 15:20-29 fit into this? It sounds to me like the Son (the humanity) will no longer be needed. He was our sin offering, and the firstfruits of the resurrection which will take place when He returns. 'Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.' After he returns, it sounds like the role of the man Christ Jesus will be completed, and God will no longer have a need for the Spotless Lamb. There will no longer be a need for a mediator, as sin and death have been defeated and His bride will be in their glorified forms.
Anybody have a correction or a different take on this? Still learning here.