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Old 03-22-2022, 04:01 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week


My “Beef” with the Men’s Health Review of ‘The Game Changers’

“I’ve cut back on meat by 80% and I have never felt better. My doctors are happy and I haven’t lost a step in the gym. I’m not a vegan, but I respect people who choose to be 100% plant-based, and I think it’s more possible now than ever.
One of my mottos is “Stay hungry”, which for me means constantly learning and trying new things and climbing the next mountain. The Game Changers was an incredible learning experience for me, and I was blown away by the athletes and the science. I’m proud to be an executive producer because I believe everyone can benefit from watching it with an open mind.”
— Arnold Schwarzenegger, Executive Producer of The Game Changers

Members of the Miami Dolphins participate in an experiment conducted by Dr. Robert Vogel, co-chair of the NFL’s Subcommittee on Cardiovascular Disease, to show the impact a single meal can have on their blood.

As a former team physician for the St. Louis Rams and Cardinals, I’m all too familiar with locker room mythology about meat, protein and strength. Even when concerning blood lab results would come back for some of these young athletes, any recommendation to make diet or lifestyle changes never went over well.

Experiences like these made me happy to be interviewed for The Game Changers. The film follows the story of military combatives trainer and former UFC fighter James Wilks — a guy who wouldn’t even step foot in a vegetarian restaurant — as he travels the world looking for answers about the necessity of animal foods, interviewing world-renowned athletes, experts, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger, the godfather of muscle and protein.

Wilks’ major realization is that the public has been coerced by the animal foods industry into believing that a diet centered around meat, dairy, and eggs plays a central role in achieving optimal fitness, health and even masculinity, when in fact the opposite appears to be true.
This is why last week’s review of The Game Changers in Men’s Health (MH) didn’t really surprise me, since the film also explores, ironically, how the media often plays an unwitting role in further spreading these myths.

Denying the Evidence
Nobody likes being told that their lifestyle habits, especially the food they enjoy, might be dangerous, and the first response is usually denial. Not surprisingly, the MH article opens in a similar fashion, quickly claiming that the very first study referenced — which concluded that the Roman gladiators ate a plant-based diet — “isn’t actually a study” since it was “not published in a medical journal.” In reality, the study was published in not just one, but two peer-reviewed medical journals: PLOS One (1) and the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine (2).

What could have been a single misstep actually sets the tone for the rest of the article, which claims that the dangers of an animal-based diet are not “well-established”, alleging that The Game Changers presents “only one side of the facts” from “controversial sources” and “small studies”.

Conversely, the research featured and cited in The Game Changers includes cohort studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses with subject pools as large as 563,277 people, reflecting a body of evidence so well-established that the world’s leading health and nutrition organizations now confidently encourage a plant-centered diet.

The World Health Organization, for example, recommends eating “a nutritious diet based on a variety of foods originating mainly from plants, rather than animals.” (3) Similarly, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations confidently recommends, “Households should select predominantly plant-based diets.” (4)

Downplaying the Risks
When extensive scientific evidence makes denial impossible, the next defense is to downplay the risks. The MH article naturally follows suit by singling out colorectal cancer — just one of many cancers linked to animal products — which last year claimed the lives of more than 800,000 people globally, including more than 60,000 in North America (5).

Starting from the position that a person’s “absolute risk of developing colorectal cancer is about 5%”, the article then admits that “eating 50 grams of processed meat daily (about one hot dog) increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 17 percent.” But it follows this up immediately with, “Sounds scary. However, this increased risk is relative…In reality, actual risk goes up by about 1 percent total, to a new absolute risk of about 6 percent” — basically implying that this increased risk is trivial.

However, the 1 percent total increase in risk posed by “one hot dog” could translate into roughly 160,000 new deaths from colorectal cancer per year, including 12,000 in North America. This is why the World Health Organization classified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning they have been proven to cause cancer in humans (6), making the risks associated with eating processed meats anything but trivial.

The nitrites and other compounds used to preserve processed meats are only some of the many constituents found in animal products linked to cancer. One of the nutritional experts featured in The Game Changers is Walter Willett, MD, PhD, MPH, the immediate past Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University, who has published more than 1,700 scientific papers and reviews on various aspects of diet and disease.

Dr. Willett explains that the proteins found in animal foods set the stage for various forms of cancer. “We do see, for example, that high consumption of milk proteins, proteins from dairy sources, is related to a higher risk of prostate cancer…So that chain of cancer causation actually seems pretty clear.”

Another expert featured in The Game Changers is Dr. Kim Williams, recent President of the American College of Cardiology, who explains how the various constituents found in animal products, including heme iron, are linked to the development of cardiovascular disease — the number one killer of humans worldwide.

To illustrate this connection, the film highlights an analysis of six prospective dietary studies involving more than 130,000 patients, which concluded that one additional milligram per day of heme iron — found exclusively in animal foods — is associated with a 27% increased risk of cardiovascular disease (7). To put that in perspective, the average hamburger patty contains around two milligrams of heme iron.

The Risks Don’t Matter
The final defense most people use to hold on to a dangerous habit is “there are bigger things to worry about”. Here again the MH article follows the playbook, alleging that The Game Changers claims that “diet is everything”, ignoring the role that genetics and other lifestyle factors play, when in reality “diet is only a small piece of overall health.”

The Game Changers never suggests that “diet is everything” for either health or performance. After all, genetics are responsible for 10–20% of our risk for most leading causes of death, and lifestyle habits like smoking are, of course, very dangerous (8).

However, global health authorities have concluded that poor diet is a major contributory factor in more than 60% of all global deaths — including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers (9) — and the leading cause of death worldwide, even beating out smoking (10).

A well-established body of evidence (see references below), and the world’s leading health authorities, have concluded that the dangers posed by animal foods are quite real, and that a diet centered around plants is optimal for human health.

Placing the Blame
While it would be easy to blame Men’s Health for publishing an article as scientifically inaccurate as its review of The Game Changers, I believe the fault ultimately lies with the animal foods industry, which spends billions a year (including taxpayer dollars) to reassure us that their products are not only safe, but a necessary part of a healthy diet.

While marketing and lobbying are critical to these efforts, The Game Changers goes into significant detail exposing a more insidious strategy: the meat, dairy and egg industries’ covert funding of researchers whose pro-industry “findings” infiltrate the scientific literature, eventually making their way to the public via the media.

Although the MH article doesn’t provide any references, it does quote two sources, including “Mike Roussell, Ph.D., author of The MetaShred Diet”. Ironically, but perhaps not surprisingly, Roussell is a paid spokesperson for the beef industry (11). I assume the author of the article was not aware of this connection.

As such, this MH article is just the latest example of how relevant and timely a film like The Game Changers actually is.

Disclosures: I was not paid to be participate in The Game Changers, nor was I paid to write this article.
(1) Lösch S, Moghaddam N, Grossschmidt K, Risser DU, Kanz F. Stable isotope and trace element studies on gladiators and contemporary Romans from Ephesus (Turkey, 2nd and 3rd Ct. AD) — Implications for differences in diet. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e110489.
(2) Longo UG, Spiezia F, Maffulli N, Denaro V. The Best Athletes in Ancient Rome were Vegetarian! J Sports Sci Med. 2008 Dec 1;7(4):565.
(3) World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe. A healthy lifestyle. 2019.
(4) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization Vitamin and mineral requirements in human nutrition. Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements, FAO/WHO, Geneva, 2004.
(5) International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization. Colorectal cancer. The Global Cancer Observatory, 2018.
(6) International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization. IARC Monographs evaluate consumption of red meat and processed meat. 2015 Oct 26.
(7) Yang W, Li B, Dong X, Zhang XQ, Zeng Y, Zhou JL, Tang YH, Xu JJ. Is heme iron intake associated with risk of coronary heart disease? A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Eur J Nutr. 2014;53(2):395–400.
(8) Willett WC. Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Science. 2002 Apr;296(5568):695–8.
(9) Bloom DE, Cafiero ET, Jané-Llopis E, Abrahams-Gessel S, Bloom LR, Fathima S, Feigl AB, Gaziano T, Mowafi M, Pandya A, Prettner K, Rosenberg L, Seligman B, Stein AZ, Weinstein C. (2011). The Global Economic Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
(10) GBD 2017 Diet Collaborators. Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2019 Apr;393(10184):1958–72.
(11) Roussell MA, Hill AM, Gaugler TL, et al. Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet study: effects on lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;95(1):9–16.


Last edited by Amanah; 03-22-2022 at 04:24 AM.
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Old 03-22-2022, 05:20 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Dr. Eric Berg's OPINION on Game Changers

I agree with his assessment that eating a vegan diet requires careful planning and supplements such as b12, omegas, vit D, and iodine.

And as he states, eating whole unprocessed food is key. No junk food, fast food, or factory farm food.

Eating a plant based diet such as the Mediterranean diet where you are eating mostly plants along with fish and occasionally meat is a great option because you get the health benefits of plant based without the concern of deficiencies.

Last edited by Amanah; 03-22-2022 at 05:23 AM.
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Old 03-22-2022, 08:05 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Again, Games Changers is nothing more than VEGAN (not omnivore,) but vegan propaganda. The whole thing about bean vs meat burritos should embarrass any seeker of truth. You have ground beef (high fat) wrapped in a bleached flour (high glycemic) wrap. This is the UNITED STATES' BAD DIET NEXT LEVEL vs bean burrito. Then they wait 2 hours and check their lipids. My name isn't Johnny Neckbone watch my head screw off and on, sitting on my couch. Having not the foggiest idea on health. I was a strict vegetarian, vegan, then, ketogenic omnivore. Let me say one thing about the guys in the Game Changers' experiment. They aren't my age. I'll be 61 this year. I have studied hormonal imbalances for 35 years, more than half my life.

Testosterone, in older males becomes lower as they age. Hence the reason muscle degreases, strength decreases, cognitive abilities decrease. Therefore good proteins, good fat sources as in animal based foods is a must. When I was younger I could eat pizza and Twinkies ( the diet Michael Phelps professes ) and still pull 512 deadlift first thing in the morning. Can you get proteins and fats from plant based diet? Most certainly, but not at the availability of the animal based diet. My testosterone is outstanding for a man of 61 years old. I don't have Gynecomastia. As so many of the old poor souls out there who are now eating nothing more than bean burritos because GC film told them. It's like this, I know vegan propaganda, because I use to spew vegan propaganda. I know it backwards and forwards. Anyone would like to try veganism and they are over 50. I just hope they keep having their testosterone checked, and watching their hormones go right through the floor. the ancient older Roman males didn't eat rocky mountain oysters, and ocean oysters because of meat eater myth. They saw results. I eat the way I eat now, because I see the results. Results in me. If you are eating a diet and you are thriving, THEN PRAISE JESUS! But if you are noticing issues as in lack of energy, endurance, day to day performance, brain fog, irritably, then you are not thriving. You are not having a healing crisis, or flushing out toxins. You are not just not thriving. We are all different, especially males young and older, and females younger and older. What happens to people who watch dramatic MOVIES about anything, they tend to convert because of the theatrics. They ate like garbage and felt like garbage, so when they switch to plant base they feel better, they lose excess weight, and they thrive. But when plant based diet issues come along, they come to my supplement store and buy vitamins. In religion, those who are converted to another doctrine or religion really don't have their own teaching down pat. They don't know all the arguments or able to defend what they already believe. The same goes with anything else in life. Propaganda works just the same way. look at the life and career of Edward Bernays. God made us to eat, to eat meat, he told us to eat meat, to eat all the products which came from that meat. From nose to tail. Did God want you to eat fruit? Most certainly, as well as other plant life. I just find MYSELF thriving from my diet.
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Old 03-22-2022, 08:12 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
I agree with his assessment that eating a vegan diet requires careful planning and supplements such as b12, omegas, vit D, and iodine.
Dr Eric Berg forgot testosterone replacement therapy.

That's because the vegan diet is a bad diet. Games Changers is vegan propaganda.
“Burn the Boats!!!” — Hernan Cortes
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Old 03-22-2022, 08:55 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Joe Rogan hosts vegan debate

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Old 03-22-2022, 09:10 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Bro Benincasa, I dont agree that the vegan diet is bad, but I'm going to desist because at this point its beating a dead horse and everyone has their mind made up already.
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Old 03-22-2022, 09:52 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Joe Rogan hosts vegan debate

I wondered when Joe Rogan was going to be brought up.

This was actually a good debate, Joe Rogan has great knowledge with nutrition if you can get past his mouth. He made a great point in another podcast concerning his diet, (carnivore+/-) and that was, what does the body recognize and what it doesn't. He said GMOs, High Fructose Corn Syrup, processed foods, you're body doesn't recognize those type of foods. That's why a lot of people struggle with indigestion, gasternional issues because we're eating things that our body doesn't recognize what to do with.

Now, I do agree with him concerning what our body needs as far was good health and what contributes to poor health.

Some do well with vegetarian diet and thrive, and others do well with a meat only diet, and when I say "meat only" I'm also meaning animal fats, i.e dairy (goat/cow). And others do well with a balance of the two. The individual needs to figure what works for them.

For example, I eat my main meal at breakfast, I have a balance of Protein, Carbs, and Fats at that meal. My next meal is Dinner, and that would be more Fats, and Protein and light on Carbs. My supper would be pretty much Fats and Protein and very little if any Carbs. That works well for me, others it may not go well with, many families have their dinner at 8 at night, we have our supper at 4:30-5:00, that works for us.

I said all that to say this, when it comes to eating, have a balance.

We cannot go back to what they were eating like in the beginning of time, our soil today isn't rich in nutrients like it was back then. Our vegetables lag in nutrients because our soil is laxed in nutrition.
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Old 03-22-2022, 10:18 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
For example, I eat my main meal at breakfast, I have a balance of Protein, Carbs, and Fats at that meal. My next meal is Dinner, and that would be more Fats, and Protein and light on Carbs. My supper would be pretty much Fats and Protein and very little if any Carbs.
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Old 03-22-2022, 10:20 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Bro Benincasa, I dont agree that the vegan diet is bad, but I'm going to desist because at this point its beating a dead horse and everyone has their mind made up already.
You stayed that you need supplements. Correct?

Would you need them if you ate meat?
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Old 03-22-2022, 10:25 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
You can take a man out of the South, but you cannot completely take the South out of the man.
I was pondering my response to his post, but you did it for me
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