Originally Posted by aegsm76
PO - he took the N. Mariana Islands Primary with 73%.
Cruz has been over 50% twice, Wyoming and Utah.
Yes, that is right, Trump won the remote US territory with 471 votes cast. LOL! Cruz won 24%; Rubio .01%; Kasich .02%
Cruz is doing very well as Rush Limbaugh opines:
RUSH: I think the fact that Ted Cruz is in second place is astounding. Ted Cruz has been ignored from the first day of his campaign. ... Ted Cruz is in second place; he has been given no time by the Drive-By Media. He has been shown no respect. They have not treated him as a viable candidate. He has been hammered over and over by every other candidate one way other another. Ted Cruz has been lambasted. He is very rarely given a chance to rebut the things that are said about him. He is routinely one of the speakers at each debate that speaks the least.
There's some exceptions in some debates, but for the most part he's among the least. He is hated by the establishment, and they are the ones that totally ignore him. The party has not lifted a finger to help him -- and even now when they are starting to, they make it known that they're not happy to be doing it. ... He is being dwarfed and swamped by unprecedented coverage of Trump, who hasn't had to spend any money to get it. Ted Cruz has raised money left and right. There are all kinds of people giving money to Ted Cruz, and nobody talks about it.
Nobody wants to talk about Ted Cruz. We're told over and over that everybody in the Senate hates him. We're told over and over everybody in Washington hates him. But yet he's in second place and he's won nine states. So you're asking me if I think Ted Cruz can win? Yeah, I do. I don't think it's anywhere near over yet. Everybody wants you to believe that it is. Everybody wants you to believe one of two things: It's over, Cruz is not gonna get there, Trump is, or we're gonna go to a contested convention and it's gonna be between Kasich and whoever else the establishment can throw up.
It still amazes me. You have the establishment types with their secret dinner meetings like last night near here in Palm Beach trying to figure out how to game the convention so that one of theirs can get the nomination. Then you have these conservatives who are plotting, trying to come up with a third-party candidate. And here, again, nobody's talking about Ted Cruz. And he's there every day, and he's out campaigning. He's going everywhere, and he is in second place despite all of the obstacles that have been put in his way. So I think he can win.