So impressed with Sen. Cruz's demeanor. The Senator made Dick Durbin look absolutely stupid during an exchange last week. He's been brilliant against Barbara Boxer and Chuck Shumer.
Today he spoke at the Values Voter Summit, and several operatives from obama's Organize For Action tried heckling him.
But first, he zings Biden with a great line: "You know the nice thing? You don't need a punchline. You just say his name, people laugh."
"Is anybody left at OFA headquarters. I'm glad his staff is here instead of doing mischief in the country!"
"We've heard more questions from them than President Obama has taken in the last year!"
"Get a hundred most rabid of his supporters in a room. I'll answer their questions as long as he likes. In exchange, all I ask is that you take not a hundred, but you take 10 questions from the men and women in this room."
"How scared is the President? What a statement of fear. They don't want the truth to be heard."
"Thank you for your passion."
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Cruz 2016!