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Old 06-09-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: Jesus' Second Coming?

Originally Posted by edjen01 View Post
No. not all prophecy deals with the rapture/end of days/2nd coming/etc...

I do not discount any of the text. But I not believe that a hurting person is really looking for an understanding of the "end of days" or the "rapture". I fully respect the time and study that others have put into this topic...but personally choose not to be submerged into things that are unknown...best guess ideas...or interpretations. Especially given our short time here and all the "for sure" things found in the text.
You have a point but I'm sure you realize how much prophecy preaching/teaching is used to try to convert people.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.

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Old 06-09-2010, 01:07 PM
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Re: Jesus' Second Coming?

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
You have a point but I'm sure you realize how much prophecy preaching/teaching is used to try to convert people.
yes I do. The problem I see is when someone converts because of a particular endtime view, thier conversion and endtime view become so entangled that they believe one is a part of the other. When their endtime view is questioned, found out to be false(all but one will be, inconsistant, or simply some guys idea...often they feel the need to hold to it simply because "if its wrong then what about the rest?".

I would rather use something like the Gospel, life/teachings of Jesus, how God wants the best for them, etc...to convert people...because these things never change, they are not man's ideas.

Please understand I have nothing against those who use endtime prophecy as a means to an end(conversion)...I just believe there is a better way.
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Old 06-09-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: Jesus' Second Coming?

Originally Posted by edjen01 View Post
interesting...and I repsect your study into the subject.

I do not believe that it is necessary for me to have a complete understanding/explaination/etc...for every statement/topic/doctrine/story mentioned in the 66 books of the text. I do believe that if I focus my time/energy/resources on keeping the first 2 commandments, fulfilling the great commission, and helping the Kingdom of God become visible here on planet earth...my time here will not have been wasted. I do not believe I need to have the "correct" belief of the rapture/2nd coming/tribulation/end of days/etc....to do these things. They are all still the truth and help Christ be exalted...no matter when/if the rapture happens.
I agree. But to say it does not matter in any sense of the thought is not the right road to take, either. I have studied much about the issue, but I HARDLY PREACH ABOUT IT. If anyone was to check out my sermons each week, they would see that I focus on kingdom living and learning who we are in Christ. But for some reason, people do not want to discuss that on forums as much as enjoy the controversy about differences of opinion in the awe-inspiring circles (cough, cough, joke, cough) of thought about prophecy. Prophecy appeals to the flesh in many ways since fascination for the not-yet always appeals to the curious mind. IN THAT SENSE I agree with you. I just know that it can be trivialized out of the picture, too, and that is not God's will. Most people who say it does not matter care not to listen to anything about the issue even if God might want to talk to us about it somewhat. THAT was my concern.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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