Originally Posted by Chan
But why are these people (who are in rebellion against God by forsaking the assembling together as commanded against in Hebrews) hurt? Did the pastor step on their toes? Did he preach something that resulted in Holy Ghost conviction? Did his wife fail to come to someone's baby shower (I know a couple that left a church for that very reason)? Did the pastor fail to coddle them and make them feel good about themselves? Why are they hurt? More often than not the reason people think they've been hurt in the church by their pastors or other saints is because of their own pride and selfishness.
Since you asked, I will give some examples. (Some, not all, from personal experience.) You let me know, please, if they are worth "whining" about.
1. Whole family of teen and pre-teen siblings sexually abused by a prominent man in the church, over many years. When it's discovered by pastor's wife and some others,
nothing is done about it. The man was never brought to justice. Died of old age.
2. Church member is denied permission to travel for grandmother's funeral. Not an acceptable excuse to miss church.
3. Pastor misappropriates church funds. Good ole boys in section leadership do nothing.
4. Brother (same mom and dad type brother) has cancer. Preacher prophesies divine healing. Brother dies from cancer.
5. From pulpit, pastor calls people out by name for sexual sin. Incorrectly, at that.
6. A wife is beaten by her husband. Knocked to the floor. Pastor does nothing, blames the wife.
Not to single you out, Chan, but would
anyone here face these folks and tell them to just "Get over it!"?