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Old 01-22-2010, 07:53 PM
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Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

What a turn around in just a few days has happened. This week has been a terrible defeat for mr Obama and his democratic cronies.

With the defeat of the Dems in Mass came the possible end of the horrible fiasco called obamacare.

One news report stated that the dems in congress were walking around in a daze.

Now Obama is cruising around Ohio and other states trying to bolster "hope", but it appears that his platform is crumbling.

The dems are trying to figure out now how to salvage their party before the 2010 elections.

Again, what a difference a week makes.

What are your thoughts? Jermyn and the other Obama supporters?
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Happy days are here again, the skies above are clear again, happy days are here again!
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Mr Tatum, good to see you!

I'm waitin to see if Jermyn and the other obamaites will weigh in on this. They have been very quiet the last few days. Maybe recovering from the setbacks, eh?
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Mr Tatum, good to see you!

I'm waitin to see if Jermyn and the other obamaites will weigh in on this. They have been very quiet the last few days. Maybe recovering from the setbacks, eh?
Please call me Chuck, Mr. Tatum was my father!
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

The President hopefully has received the message that although Healthcare Reform is needed, whatever Americans know about what's currently being offered as reform is NOT what Americans had in mind.

That or he realizes that most Americans want things to change and injustices to be corrected, but not at their own personal expense.

Either way, he needs to listen and adjust.

If there was ever a time for him to lead, now is that moment.

Further distressing is the Supreme Court's ruling allowing for corporations to have unfetterred economic influence, opening the way for ULTIMATELY for the power of the people to be diminished.

So as not to be accused of changing the topic of this thread, I am glad that a Republican won in Massachusetts.
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:43 PM
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
The President hopefully has received the message that although Healthcare Reform is needed, whatever Americans know about what's currently being offered as reform is NOT what Americans had in mind.

That or he realizes that most Americans want things to change and injustices to be corrected, but not at their own personal expense.

Either way, he needs to listen and adjust.

If there was ever a time for him to lead, now is that moment.

Further distressing is the Supreme Court's ruling allowing for corporations to have unfetterred economic influence, opening the way for ULTIMATELY for the power of the people to be diminished.

So as not to be accused of changing the topic of this thread, I am glad that a Republican won in Massachusetts.
Jermyn, every day you suprise me as you are moving and we are closer in ideology than before. Hmmmmm, you just might be able to be saved after all! J/K my friend.

I will say this from a market view and history had proven this also.

The stock market usually does best when ... as one man put it....

Elephants run the congress and a Donkey is in the white house.

It is called balance and is needed. On both sides.
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Old 01-24-2010, 09:24 PM
Sandy Sandy is offline
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Don't sit down yet. As I have heard today they are still going to try to push the healthcare bill thru still. When things are quiet with this bunch, needing to look behind closed doors for sure. Not that sometimes that isn't true about any bunch anymore. But it is especially true about this one for sure.
"Dear Sandy: About that 'love thy neighbor' thing? I meant it -- Love, Jesus."
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Old 01-25-2010, 05:37 AM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
The President hopefully has received the message that although Healthcare Reform is needed, whatever Americans know about what's currently being offered as reform is NOT what Americans had in mind.

That or he realizes that most Americans want things to change and injustices to be corrected, but not at their own personal expense.

Either way, he needs to listen and adjust.

If there was ever a time for him to lead, now is that moment.

Further distressing is the Supreme Court's ruling allowing for corporations to have unfetterred economic influence, opening the way for ULTIMATELY for the power of the people to be diminished.

So as not to be accused of changing the topic of this thread, I am glad that a Republican won in Massachusetts.
bump: the whole thing started over the govt trying to ban free speech, and using the mcain feingold law to do it ,when a conservative group wanted to release hilary the movie before the elections . of couse it was ok for michael moore to release his movie, faranheit 911, which was full of lies .and citizens united sued ,unions have always spent like they wanted, now corporations can it simply levels the field.the fcc shouldnt have to tried to ban free speech, by using a law that wasnt intended for that, to do it.
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Old 01-25-2010, 06:53 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Originally Posted by Sandy View Post
Don't sit down yet. As I have heard today they are still going to try to push the healthcare bill thru still. When things are quiet with this bunch, needing to look behind closed doors for sure. Not that sometimes that isn't true about any bunch anymore. But it is especially true about this one for sure.
That was the big rumor. They mentioned that Voinovich would vote across the aisl and side with the Dems to give them the needed 60. However, Now Dodd and Franks (two of the top elite libs) have come out and said that no vote should go forth until Brown is seated.

Pelosi says that the house lacks the votes needed now. That means both houses of Congress are lacking the votes to pass this disaster. It appears to be dead. Thank God.
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:40 AM
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Re: Wow, what a turn around in a few days!

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
That was the big rumor. They mentioned that Voinovich would vote across the aisl and side with the Dems to give them the needed 60. However, Now Dodd and Franks (two of the top elite libs) have come out and said that no vote should go forth until Brown is seated.

Pelosi says that the house lacks the votes needed now. That means both houses of Congress are lacking the votes to pass this disaster. It appears to be dead. Thank God.
I hope that Healthcare Reform is not dead.

The system needs to be fixed.

Doing nothing is not a solution either.

That's the problem with politics. Harldy anyone has the intestinal fortitude to follow through with their good ideas, whenever they actually have a good idea.

Immigration Reform-- dead.
Healthcare Reform-- dead.

I say again, "... most Americans want things to change and injustices to be corrected, but not at their own personal expense."

It's like wanting God to manifest Himself in your church services, but refusing to fast and pray.

We have become so apathetic, all the way around.
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