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Old 04-11-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
OK, I know this guy has some good roots, and probably some bad experiences as well. But some of the stuff on his page, to me, is just weird. I know he needs Jesus and forgiveness, but I think he also needs deliverance.

Homosexuality, is a sin just like other twisted desires which come from a natural, God given desire. We take them off track when we are tempted and succumb to those temptations. I have temptations as well, and through God's Spirit and decisions, I choose a different path.

I have been tempted to commit adultery. I never came close to falling to it, but the temptation was there nonetheless. Pastors DO have women "hit" on them. (I can't help it that I'm good looking ) Just because it is a God-given "natural" desire, doesn't make it right. I am NOT an animal. I am a human being with a conscience and a free will. I do NOT have to be a slave to a temptation. I CAN live my life on the "tracks" of God's word even surrounded by temptation. Not always easy, but God certainly gives strength and help.

However, what if God doesn't completely deliver me from the temptation? Does that give me a license to just "go" with it? Paul had a thorn in the flesh. Some believe that it may have been a temptation that he wasn't delivered from, at least at that time.

We are not just called to live right in our victories. We are called to live right in spite of our temptations.

So what should I do? Should I run around and tell everyone that I am a tempted straight married man? Or should I just give in to the temptation because that is who I am?

I think most here know the right answer. I feel for this guy, but he still needs deliverance or at the very least, a commitment to do what is right.
MOW, you are 100% correct! I'd hope that we all have a problem with the SIN of homosexuality. But I must say, that the way we speak needs to be seasoned with love.

I am not saying that you have misspoken MOW, But I have heard some pretty stupid things from so called men of God. I do not think it is right to make fun or belittle those who are bound in that sin. Just like it is stupid to make fun of an alcoholic, or some who struggles with drugs. These folks need deliverance. It is very disheartening to me to hear preachers take advantage of the pulpit to make fun of someone who is in this state. If I were them, I'd think that most Christians were gay-haters too!

We need to speak the truth and speak it in LOVE!
Oh well, that's the way I see it!
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:06 PM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

This is what I posted on his original thread.
(Perhaps it bears repeating. So I'll post it again here):

It is crystal clear to me that this man's mind and spirit are saturated with delusion and deception.

My heart goes out to all who fall under the sway of his false beliefs and teachings.

The Apostle Paul warned of men like him.
Unfortunately, we can expect to see more of this, and worse, in these last days.

People, beware of this man, and others of his ilk.
Plain and simple. Just... beware.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 04-12-2008, 06:08 AM
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Lightbulb Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
I know CG and his ex wife and children...I know his father and mother in law...So I think I can say this as a person who knows quite a bit.
Rhoni is my friend but Rhoni I would never encourage you to debate CG. I would encourage you if opportunity knocks to speak up anywhere Bible standards and roles for men...However the Bible talks about casting pearls before the swine...

I think it would be a waste of time for CG knows how to make people look like fools...He can debate trinity and oneness and win on either side!

I cannot believe CG is happy because I read his blogs...They ring so empty, deceived and sometimes quite sickening.

I really feel deeply sorry for him (more sorry for his ex and children )and all that went on...for CG had a lot of talent but never had balance...He did not have balance in oneness and neither does he have balance where he is at. His blogs reveal that.

I do not take up for gays however in my line of work I know some...they have much more balance that he does.

Such a waste...the devil must be very happy with that trophy... I weep...
You can go so far into a sin culture where you are deceived by a lie. There are many peers, ministry people, and friends through the years who have went into this homosexual culture and never found their way back to God. I suppose the only way they can sleep at night is to try to defend and justify their behavior. But at the end of the day...the word of God stands. Not only are they miserable in this life, but for eternity and that is the more reason to have pity.

I do agree with many of you that national T.V. is not the appropriate arena because of the homosexual agenda that infiltrates all of our media, entertainment, and political venues. That is where they like to humiliate and get emotions running high. I do caution everyone though; we are entering into the season where many of us will have to give families, lives, and jobs for the gospel sake. We must know how to defend the pearl that we all so highly prize.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 04-12-2008, 06:10 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

There is nothing more wrong with him than anyone who tries hard to justify their sin. He, unfortunately, has just gone pretty far. Not too far from a loving Father's reach though. He could attend the church I pastor without condemnation. However, he would hear sin preached about and would know that no sins are "OK" in God's book and my book. I have had homosexuals attend before. They are treated with the utmost respect. However, if they don't want to change, they don't stay around long because of what they hear from the word. I do NOT beat them up from the pulpit just like I don't beat up the alcoholic or drug addict. And I am NOT condoning the sin in any way, shape or form.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
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Old 04-12-2008, 06:25 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
There is nothing more wrong with him than anyone who tries hard to justify their sin. He, unfortunately, has just gone pretty far. Not too far from a loving Father's reach though. He could attend the church I pastor without condemnation. However, he would hear sin preached about and would know that no sins are "OK" in God's book and my book. I have had homosexuals attend before. They are treated with the utmost respect. However, if they don't want to change, they don't stay around long because of what they hear from the word. I do NOT beat them up from the pulpit just like I don't beat up the alcoholic or drug addict. And I am NOT condoning the sin in any way, shape or form.

Exactly! I feel the same way. You can only show unconditional love and respect and not condemnation. Jesus himself said, "I came not into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through me might be saved." You don't have to beat sinners up to win them, as a matter of fact...you won't win them that way. That old method did not work then and doesn't work today.

I had one of the girls from my home church [you know the church MOW] call me up to tell me she gave out sacraments in the Episcopal church. She was abused and molsted by a house full of brothers who were abused and molested and many of them had went into the homosexual lifestyle.

After many conversations with her, I told her that I understood something was wrong in their family back in the day but we were all so young and didn't know how to help her. She wanted me to tell her the lifestyle she chose was all right. I told her that I loved her dearly and that would never change but the Bible had not changed and she could be set free from anything that she chose to be set free from. She knew there would always be an open door for her in friendship but also understood that I didn't condone the lifestyle no matter what the cause or perceived reason for it was.

Harshness and judgmentalism only closes doors, but love, grace, and mercy opens them.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 04-12-2008, 07:21 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

One of our local cable providers here has a channel for the gay lesbian lifestyle and last night flipping thru the channels as I was going to bed was the first time I had ever seen this channel and being it was 3 in the morning when I finally went to bed there was local programming on and there was a very similar debate to what is being asked for here. I did not listen for more than a minute but it was very distasteful and the person altho I believe it was a methodist vs gay methodist preacher... was very off basis and totally twisted biblical views... It was sick honestly!
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Old 04-12-2008, 07:24 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Why would anyone want to debate an issue that is so clearcut in the Bible? There is no debate, just another attempt to tear down the Word of God and make it more acceptable to those who choose to live in sin.
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Old 04-12-2008, 07:43 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Originally Posted by jrLA View Post
MOW, you are 100% correct! I'd hope that we all have a problem with the SIN of homosexuality. But I must say, that the way we speak needs to be seasoned with love.
I am not saying that you have misspoken MOW, But I have heard some pretty stupid things from so called men of God. I do not think it is right to make fun or belittle those who are bound in that sin. Just like it is stupid to make fun of an alcoholic, or some who struggles with drugs. These folks need deliverance. It is very disheartening to me to hear preachers take advantage of the pulpit to make fun of someone who is in this state. If I were them, I'd think that most Christians were gay-haters too!

We need to speak the truth and speak it in LOVE!

Amen, Bro. JrLA

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Old 04-12-2008, 07:53 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Great discussion ... I'm proud of the words y'all have shared in love and truth.
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Old 04-12-2008, 08:11 AM
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Re: ***Any brave takers to this challenge ...??***

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
Great discussion ... I'm proud of the words y'all have shared in love and truth.
You literally took the words out of my mouth.
Mrs. LPW

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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