Originally Posted by Esther
I was reading this morning about the seven churches in the book of Revelation and was wondering what your thoughts are on this.
One I have heard it taught these are dispensations of the "church" and that we are in the Ladoicean age. I have heard others teach that all of these are prevelant even now.
What are your thoughts on this?
They were literal churches and the letters were the literal words of Jesus to those churches. However, just as some people take certain things in the Old Testament as types of something in the New Testament or in the Church, so also the churches are taken by some as a type of the history of the Church from Pentecost and the first century until the blessed hope. The churches are to some extent specific periods in church history but, more than that, characteristic of various churches throughout church history. I think, for example, that much of the Church in places like China, Sudan and other places where there is extreme persecution are like the churches in Revelation that experienced such extreme persecution. The Church in North America and Europe (and other places where there is relative freedom from persection) is much like Laodicea. The Church for which the Lord is going to return in the blessed hope is the Church at Philadelphia.