Originally Posted by whollyHis
There's a hint in these few words that will tell us the reason that some churches are NOT growing...*smile*
YES, I AM being bad....
Yes, you are intuitive...what I was thinking was built on the word:
The John Maxwell series on leadership was an excellent example of how to grow churches...it is to grow LEADERS.
Momentum is lost if you have to go through more than one supervisor to get anything accomplished. When you structure the church so that no person has any authority to utilize their gifts/talents withouth going to one leader, who has to go to another leader, who has to go to another leaders, who has to go to one more leader to get permission to accomplish something that could have happened in 5 minutes with the right person.
Another thing: A 6-7 level leader cannot have any leaders above them who are 8-10 leaders. 6-7 level leaders need people working under them that look to leadership as a God and can't move without asking persmission, and who pat the leader on the back constantly,; whereas, a 10 leader will not have CONTROL issues, will not want to be indisposable but will mentor leaders and trust them to do what they are gifted to do with little to no supervision.
Good leaders mentor leaders who will eventually replace them. Good leaders want to be replaced. It reminds me of a Missions class I took at JCM,
The Indigenous Church. I practiced this when I went to my first church post Bible College...I grew them a deaf ministry that would continue in my abscence. I grew gifted and talented leaders to take my place so that when I left they still had an active Deaf Ministry.
With this said, many church leaders feel and handicap people into dependence so that if they leave people cannot continue on...this is sad. We should get ego out of the way, relinguish control issues, and mentor leaders that take our place in the future or leave and grow their own leaders...
Blessings, Rhoni