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Old 03-25-2008, 05:29 PM
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Felicity Felicity is offline
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Re: Sisters...

I like this thread.

I have two younger sisters. We're all friends and I've never had a disagreement with either of my sisters since I left home to go to Bible School. We're all quite different but I'd say we're all intelligent.

Both my younger sisters have supervisory positions where they work and have done well.

My youngest sister is very artistic. She can draw, paint, write poetry and music. Quite outgoing and confident. She was more the "rebel" of the three of us and quite typical of the youngest child in other ways as well. She has come back to God in the last few years and we now have more in common than ever before.

The middle sister was always the quiet shy child, very good, and favoured by my mother. She was very responsible and very consistent. While I was always out with friends doing something and going somewhere, she was at home and was a great help to my mom. Guess why she was always the favourite?

We're all very independent. That was encouraged by my parents. We were never babied or "spoiled" - that's for sure.

I always wished I had an older brother! I thought that would be wonderful.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 03-25-2008, 05:40 PM
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LadyChocolate LadyChocolate is offline
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
I like this thread.

I have two younger sisters. We're all friends and I've never had a disagreement with either of my sisters since I left home to go to Bible School. We're all quite different but I'd say we're all intelligent.

Both my younger sisters have supervisory positions where they work and have done well.

My youngest sister is very artistic. She can draw, paint, write poetry and music. Quite outgoing and confident. She was more the "rebel" of the three of us and quite typical of the youngest child in other ways as well. She has come back to God in the last few years and we now have more in common than ever before.

The middle sister was always the quiet shy child, very good, and favoured by my mother. She was very responsible and very consistent. While I was always out with friends doing something and going somewhere, she was at home and was a great help to my mom. Guess why she was always the favourite?

We're all very independent. That was encouraged by my parents. We were never babied or "spoiled" - that's for sure.

I always wished I had an older brother! I thought that would be wonderful.

I DO have an older brother....one day he had been playing with my barbie dolls.... Yes I found them put back all in a neat, organized row.....There were their heads, legs, arms, bodies all right next to eachother.....detached!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 03-25-2008, 06:03 PM
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
I DO have an older brother....one day he had been playing with my barbie dolls.... Yes I found them put back all in a neat, organized row.....There were their heads, legs, arms, bodies all right next to eachother.....detached!
LOL! That sounds so typical, eh?

My daughter and her brothers, when we were on deputation traveling in a motor home, used to play together with GIJoes and Barbie all the time. Those kids were so funny and they were good friends, most of the time.

I don't know how many times Joe and Barbie got baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost that year we traveled! A multitude of times for sure.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 03-25-2008, 06:04 PM
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Re: Sisters...

Time Will Never Change the Love We Share as Sisters

Time has changed our secrets
and the pigtails in our hair;
It has changed the silly arguments
and the giggles that we shared.
It has changed our childish happiness
to grown-up make-believe,
And leaving us with little else,
it has slowly changed
our dreams....

Time has come along and changed
the essence of our world;
Then finally and silently,
it has changed the little girls.
But having taken away the dreams
and the simple things we shared before.
Time has led us to the lasting things
we need each other for...

Memories of moments
that were made for us to share,
The crazy laughter
that's somehow always there,
The hidden corners of our lives
only we will ever know,
And the love that becomes deeper
and sweeter as it grows.

Time changes many things
and some dreams come apart,
But nothing can reach or change
the love for you
that lives within my heart.

(by Dianna Barnett)
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 03-26-2008, 07:27 AM
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LadyChocolate LadyChocolate is offline
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Re: Sisters...

Thank you for that poem! I think I am going to send it to my sister when I send her new socks to her!

It's kind of funny because we were just talking yesterday about our little sock thing we have going on.... My mother wants some socks now! too cute! So I will have to send both of them socks!

Some people search far and wide to find a real friend.... I grew up with mine!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 03-26-2008, 07:33 AM
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Felicity Felicity is offline
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
Thank you for that poem! I think I am going to send it to my sister when I send her new socks to her!

It's kind of funny because we were just talking yesterday about our little sock thing we have going on.... My mother wants some socks now! too cute! So I will have to send both of them socks!

Some people search far and wide to find a real friend.... I grew up with mine!
You're welcome.

What's neat is when you're together reminiscing long time ago family events, situations, people, etc. and what I don't remember one of my sisters will. What one of them don't remember, I do. And so on.

You forget a lot of things that a sister will remember and can fill in the blanks. I love that!
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 03-26-2008, 07:03 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
I like this thread.

I have two younger sisters. We're all friends and I've never had a disagreement with either of my sisters since I left home to go to Bible School. We're all quite different but I'd say we're all intelligent.

Both my younger sisters have supervisory positions where they work and have done well.

My youngest sister is very artistic. She can draw, paint, write poetry and music. Quite outgoing and confident. She was more the "rebel" of the three of us and quite typical of the youngest child in other ways as well. She has come back to God in the last few years and we now have more in common than ever before.

The middle sister was always the quiet shy child, very good, and favoured by my mother. She was very responsible and very consistent. While I was always out with friends doing something and going somewhere, she was at home and was a great help to my mom. Guess why she was always the favourite?

We're all very independent. That was encouraged by my parents. We were never babied or "spoiled" - that's for sure.

I always wished I had an older brother! I thought that would be wonderful.
I like this thread, too, Felicity...the remembrances shared by all are really neat...
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