Originally Posted by NW Pastor
I have never fully understood the "leave the UPC now because it is on the road to perdition" push, yet retain your connections to said hell bound organization. What is accomplished by forming a new, pure fellowship when ministers are still connected to the clearly contaminated UPC?
Is this not a little like holding on to the world with one hand and your convictions with other? Comprimise?
And this harms you, how? This affects the harvest in your field. how?
If these men fellowship together, preach truth, support missions, have revival, refrain from speaking evil of the UPC, then why do you care?
To date the only accusations I have seen have come from leadership on one side of this issue. I have read that the WPF "will come to naught" but have not seen in any of the WPF materials the "leave the UPC now because it is on the road to perdition" quote you use.
Maybe you can point me to where on their website or mail outs anything negative is said about the UPCI?