Good Monday to all....I slept in...whooo.....doggie got me up at 3something and I couldn't go back to sleep, my poor hubby came to me and said are you getting up, and I said..................woelrjal;f;j......and those are not cuss words just unintelligible...he said OH sorry go back to sleep hunny! I think he said hunny....might not have been that sweet....

, just kidding ofcourse!
We had a great weekend, and my hubbys hand seems to be still looks bad....swollen and all...but its getting better.
Well I better get movin sense I have gotten such a late start...Mondays the house is always a mess, and laundry is overflowing....

I have to be good ya know...although I already got my Christmas present!
Friday my long time friend Donna is coming for the we will get a good visit in!
Hugs everyone...have a great day!