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Old 12-09-2007, 07:58 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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I'm so sorry for what you are having to go through right now. I have not experienced any loss in my family so I cannot relate. However, I do feel as if I'll go through a similar thing as you are when my Dad dies...he doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself and I know it will be hard to mourn for him.

You know, I've always felt that emotional healing is so vitally important! I don't know if we help people enough in this area as the church. So many have been through so much garbage in their life...it's something only Jesus can heal. There have been so many times when I thought I was over it all...and then it would come sweeping back as a flood...anger, tears, resentment...healing is a process and unfortunatly, it's hard to forget.

I'll pray for you today, try not to feel bad at yourself for your feelings.
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Old 12-09-2007, 06:58 PM
Tina Tina is offline

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Church was great today. We had the Children's Christmas program. I can't wait to get my hands on one of the DVDs. I want to see if I can lift a clip from it to put on youtube and let y'all see it. "Mary" stole the show.....

Hope you all have a great evening.
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Old 12-09-2007, 07:20 PM
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Happy Sunday everyone! We went to church this am. I think 2 got the Holy Ghost! We did not get to go to church tonight because of the rain. It started raining right as we were getting ready for church. My husband does not like to drive in the rain at night. We have to go on several country back roads to get to church- so we are cautious about driving when the conditions are not great. I was sorry I had to miss church. I have a busy week ahead. I am getting together with some friends I used to work with this week. We always do a cookie swap at this time of year. Now that most of us are retired, we can have it during the day! I baked all day yesterday - I made pumpkin/cranberry bread, oatmeal/toffee cookies, praline crackers, soft chocolate chip cookies, and craisin jumble cookies. I did not finish yesterday and woke up at 4:30 this am so I got up and finished cooking. I will probably bake one more day before Christmas to have goodies for family gatherings. Tomorrow I have to do a lot of errands. I think I will finish up my shopping for the big day. Hope you all have a good week. I will check in with you in a couple of days.
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Old 12-09-2007, 07:47 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Happy Sunday to you guys too...

We had a very lazy day today...napping and watching Christmas movies on TV...we just love all those silly santa movies...and the sweet Christmas stories...it is such a wonderful time of year...

We had our HOG Christmas party last night and we had such a great time...we have gained lots of new friends and it is just so nice...they are a great group of people!

Have a great week Blue....I have not baked for Chistmas for a few years now...maybe next year...this year I just don't want to spend the extra money! Baking can be expensive...
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:43 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Good Monday to all....I slept in...whooo.....doggie got me up at 3something and I couldn't go back to sleep, my poor hubby came to me and said are you getting up, and I said..................woelrjal;f;j......and those are not cuss words just unintelligible...he said OH sorry go back to sleep hunny! I think he said hunny....might not have been that sweet...., just kidding ofcourse!

We had a great weekend, and my hubbys hand seems to be healing...OK...no infection...it still looks bad....swollen and all...but its getting better.

Well I better get movin sense I have gotten such a late start...Mondays the house is always a mess, and laundry is overflowing....

I have to be good ya know...although I already got my Christmas present!

Friday my long time friend Donna is coming for the night....so we will get a good visit in!

Hugs everyone...have a great day!
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:58 AM
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I had a different weekend, but it was nice!

Saturday, I went to my dad's for a Christmas party with all my aunts/uncles. Really enjoyed being with them!

I returned home later Sat. night and my son called and asked if his wife and him could come stay with me as their water pump went out. I was happy to have them!

They stayed last night too and I fixed a good meal for us and we watched a couple of Christmas movies and ate too much!
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Old 12-10-2007, 10:12 AM
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I had a nice weekend! I stayed home Friday night and all day Saturday till about 5 - then we went Ice Skating with our youth group and boy am I sore this morning!!!!!! But we had a great time, it was lots of fun! And I really really liked having some time at home. We have been getting lots done around the house here lately! And for the next three weeks we are going to be running running running!!!

(i love this little guy! )
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:11 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Wow.... I can't believe we're done homeschooling today-- and ON SCHEDULE!! This is amazing. It happens so rarely!! Now what am I going to do the rest of the day if I don't have to fuss with the kids about getting their schoolwork done?! LOL

I don't know which is more amazing... that we actually did that, or that it's happened on a MONDAY!
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Tina View Post
Wow.... I can't believe we're done homeschooling today-- and ON SCHEDULE!! This is amazing. It happens so rarely!! Now what am I going to do the rest of the day if I don't have to fuss with the kids about getting their schoolwork done?! LOL

I don't know which is more amazing... that we actually did that, or that it's happened on a MONDAY!

Put on some Christmas music and bake some cookies with them!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:14 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Now that sounds like fun. Could work in a math lesson for Michael by letting him measure ingredients. He wouldn't even complain about that.

I think I will......
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