Originally Posted by Scott Pitta
3 of my friend felt they did not need the shot. Now they are at the hospital on ventilators.
Now, how many more of your friends got it and survived? How many didn't even know they got it in the first place? I had it and got through it just fine. Never even went to the hospital, much less got ventilated....or is that went on a ventilator? I get those two confused so easily.
Originally Posted by Scott Pitta
Other friends died of covid. I wonder how many more of my friends will not survive this pandemic?
Do you think your friends should have the choice whether to get the jab or not? Do you believe you should tie them down and jab the J&J into their veins? Or maybe use a blow dart, like the FDA guy suggested?
You know, I had three good friends die over the past year, Pat, Connie and Anthony, yet not a single one of them died from C19. Not. A. Single. One. Every one of them died of cancer. Do you have a vaccine for cancer? No? Well, I guess we just trust and believe in God then, and let Him work it out. Just like I do with the "pandemic".
Originally Posted by Scott Pitta
Get the shot. Medicine does good like a merry heart.
That's a negative, Ghost Rider.
Originally Posted by Scott Pitta
All the harsh rhetoric cannot bring my friends back from the dead.
And all the petty threats from goobermint can't make me change my mind. Yet the more they push for the jab, the more people will and are resisting. This country was founded on the principle of resisting tyranny. There will always be those like yourself who succumb to it, but there will be many more of us who refuse to concede and bow the knee to an earthly king.
I'm not telling you not to get the jab. If you feel your life is so fragile that an unproven vax, designed in record time from an unproven mRNA tech, is what you need to survive, then you go right ahead. I'm not judging you, just being straight with you. As for me, I'll trust in God and the immune system he gave my body.