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Old 04-30-2015, 01:40 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post

BTW you can use photo's that are not copy protected. If I had services in a park and I found a picture on the internet of that park, can post a picture and write "bible study"...big deal

he posted his own pics in August 2014 with no one accusing or attacking.. and those pictures were awesome!! no need to have a fake picture mentality like he accuses.. islams story doesn't stick with real thinking people...

Wilson posted his own photos.. Soon as he could... He is doing a amazing historic work and islam has a agenda to attack that...
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-30-2015, 02:16 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post

he posted his own pics in August 2014 with no one accusing or attacking.. and those pictures were awesome!! no need to have a fake picture mentality like he accuses.. islams story doesn't stick with real thinking people...

Wilson posted his own photos.. Soon as he could... He is doing a amazing historic work and islam has a agenda to attack that...
What was the context of the first "possibly misleading" photo of a service other than his?

What other contexts did he use that photo in? (Such as a video that highlighted his ministry the previous year)
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Old 04-30-2015, 02:20 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

There's a world of difference in posting a pic and saying (this is what the place we are preaching at looks like, we will get our own photos to you as soon as we can)

And posting a pic to your personal page and labeling it "service" and leaving no other explanation.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Old 04-30-2015, 07:19 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
There's a world of difference in posting a pic and saying (this is what the place we are preaching at looks like, we will get our own photos to you as soon as we can)

And posting a pic to your personal page and labeling it "service" and leaving no other explanation.
we already quoted wilson statement he said " he sees that it was not wise But his intentions were not to deceive"
Some accuse that he has no ministry there and that one online pic was to deceive that he has something he doesn't. He admits he wishes he had explained more but there is a UN ministry he has been holding services in the church center UN chapel (what it is called)
and holding bible studies AND SERVICES INSIDE THE UN. It has been also accused That he has never had services inside the UN --- only bible studies. That also is a lie. Vani marshall and Wilson spoke in the UN conference room. They have a full blown Bible Study on the 27th floor. It has been accused that they use that floor because it is the members of his churches floor. That is a lie. It has been already posted that it is the floor where the assistant SG works ( a friend of Wilson who he meets with regularly)
The bible study on the 27th averages 35 weekly in attendance ( that's amazing) and as big as many churches around the UPC he has many countries in that bible study. Including Muslim leaders and Hindus in who he has baptized some of them.
So for pages and pages "walks in Islam" has beat this photo issue to claim he is evil and deceptive and not reaching people. It is sad he has went to such extremes because there has been many invited by Wilson to verify the story. Some even said that the UPCI LEADERSHIP refuses to acknowledge this ministry or be apart because they don't believe it. That is a lie. Carlton Coon , and Don Hanscom (both UPC staff) have attended and are eye witnesses to the revival. Coon was there when many got the Holy Ghost. The forward Magizine also posted the UN story.
For almost 2 years Wilson has travel (under the radar) and spent extreme resources to try and reach people at the UN. When given honor to grab massive limelight by speaking that the General Assembly - he gave that seat away. This is not a man looking for limelight and false glory like has been spread --- or he would have been up there speaking at the General assembly and spouting it everywhere instead he stayed in the background

Wilsons efforts at the UN has been miraculous!! His ministry there is amazing!! He's not just reaching one or two people (as accused) he has baptized and people have received the Holy Ghost. He is highly respected among the global leadership there. ( see his pictures he posted of Ted Turner, Moon, Kim) and yes they are reaching 100s

But hate on this miracle if you want. I will rejoice that it's happening.
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?

Last edited by Thinker; 04-30-2015 at 07:23 AM.
Old 04-30-2015, 07:23 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
This does not match the records compiled after countless interviews <cough>interrogations<cough> of wives and children. Therefore, this story is a lie and the "wives of Osama bin Laden" who "came up out of the water speaking in tongues" are imaginary converts.

If I am slandering all you need to do is provide names of these holy ghost filled converts and prove me wrong. I am basing my conclusions on documented investigation, you are accusing me of slander based on an undocumented and unproven story.
Did Stoneking say he baptized these women and they were filled with the Holy Ghost?
Old 04-30-2015, 07:30 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
My "fact" is dead bang on accurate. The UN does not own or operate that building. Whats next? A UN conference at a Manhatton Hotel makes that hotel an affiliate of the UN? LOL
So you're changing your argument now. First, you claimed the UN had nothing to do with the Chapel, but when I proved it did now you change your argument and say the UN doesn't own or operate the building. That was never the argument. You keep moving the goalposts.

You claimed Wilson captioned a photo as "my service." You put quotation marks around it, making it appear it was a direct quote. That was false.

Now you say it doesn't matter what the caption says. It does matter. You lied. You claimed it said something it did not say.

You claimed the Chapel had nothing to do with the UN. You were wrong. The Church Center for the United Nations is very much involved with ecumenical services, meetings, etc.

Now your argument is that it's not owned by the UN.
Old 04-30-2015, 07:43 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
So you're changing your argument now. First, you claimed the UN had nothing to do with the Chapel, but when I proved it did now you change your argument and say the UN doesn't own or operate the building. That was never the argument. You keep moving the goalposts.

You claimed Wilson captioned a photo as "my service." You put quotation marks around it, making it appear it was a direct quote. That was false.

Now you say it doesn't matter what the caption says. It does matter. You lied. You claimed it said something it did not say.

You claimed the Chapel had nothing to do with the UN. You were wrong. The Church Center for the United Nations is very much involved with ecumenical services, meetings, etc.

Now your argument is that it's not owned by the UN.
He is majoring on minors because his intent is malicious --- They have all UN staff attended ( except one service when someone passing by walked in and asked to stay, and I believe he even posted that that one non UN person visited) Thus the title UN chapel because its called the Church Center of the UN... But they had UN officials attending...

Its amazing what is happening..

I wonder if any of these critics and skeptics could fly back and forth to the UN and reach 100s of UN officials (even the highest level - see his twitter)and have this kind of result ( in just under 2 years) If so they should do it -- instead of attacking the one who is doing it..

I have seen the many pictures of the baptisms and even more amazing photos of him holding private sessions with world leaders!!!! Its amazing!!!
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-30-2015, 08:15 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Like making up fantastic stories of imaginary women locked in nonexistant caves is unethical. Small wonder these two work together. LOL
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Lee Stoneking's lying tongue is what brought me to this thread.
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
The wives of bin laden in the cave story was a deliberate lie, just as posting pictures of a play and calling it a service a deliberate misrepresentation.

The real wives of bin laden were interviewed at length. Their names and stories are readily accessed. The cave story wasnt just a lie, it was a stupid one.
Lee Stoneking did not claim to baptize these women. He was told this happened by someone he knew.

Had Lee Stoneking claimed he personally baptized, or was even present, when it occurred, that would have been a lie.

Simply relaying a story you've been told by someone you know is not telling a lie, else every single one of us would be guilty.

Since you claim Stoneking is a liar because he made the mistake of believing this story and sharing it while he preached, I guess all the Pastors and ministers who believed the Jewish Revival story are all liars as well.

Once again, in trying to bust a preacher for lying, you've lied yourself and libeled him in the process. Stoneking did not lie about this. He did not claim to baptize these women. He simply repeated something which was told to him. That is NOT lying.

A decent person would acknowledge this and apologize, but I know you won't.

Instead of make posts accusing these ministers of lying, you should work on your own issues of lying. In this thread alone you've lied, falsely accused, libeled and misled with your claims and accusations.

Not sure why Admin allows you to continue to do this.
Old 04-30-2015, 08:27 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
So you're changing your argument now. First, you claimed the UN had nothing to do with the Chapel, but when I proved it did now you change your argument and say the UN doesn't own or operate the building. That was never the argument. You keep moving the goalposts.

You claimed Wilson captioned a photo as "my service." You put quotation marks around it, making it appear it was a direct quote. That was false.

Now you say it doesn't matter what the caption says. It does matter. You lied. You claimed it said something it did not say.

You claimed the Chapel had nothing to do with the UN. You were wrong. The Church Center for the United Nations is very much involved with ecumenical services, meetings, etc.

Now your argument is that it's not owned by the UN.
Yes the Methodist Building across the street is not affiliated with nor has anything to do with the United Nations or United Nations business. The UN does not own, operate, manage, or maintain that building. Thus, it has nothing to do with the UN. That is my position and that is based on research as to who does own, operate, and manage it.
Old 04-30-2015, 08:29 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Did Stoneking say he baptized these women and they were filled with the Holy Ghost?
He preached that it happened. It did not. Therefore he preached about an untrue and imaginary event.
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