Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
MTD what do you consider foundational? By foundational do you mean essential?
Basically the ones mentioned in
Hebrews 6:1-2.
With a bit of commentary by me:
Repentance from dead works. Turning from sin.
Faith toward God. Believing in the God of the Bible. I count Oneness doctrine as part of this. The true God vs everything else. Learning that his word is true. Believing in it and acting upon it.
Doctrine of baptisms. Baptism in water into the name of Jesus. Baptism in the Spirit. These are essential to the new birth.
Laying on of hands. Praying over people to receive the Spirit. To be healed. To be ordained to ministry.
Resurrection of the dead. Teaching the true gospel. Christians are to hope in the resurrection of the dead when Christ comes. Much confusion about this. If Christians go straight into Heaven there is no need for the resurrection. It would be meaningless. We gain immortality and eternal life at the resurrection. There is no "immortal soul".
The resurrection includes the teaching of when Jesus comes. The first resurrection happens after the great tribulation.
Eternal Judgment. All men will be judged as to their works. The righteous to live with Christ throughout eternity. The wicked will perish (be destroyed) in the lake of fire.
Going On To Perfection Living out the teaching of Christ based on a personal relationship with him. A life of holiness, and entire sanctification. Anyone with sin in their life stands in danger of chastisement or being cut off from Christ. Only overcomers will escape Hell and enter Heaven.
That would be a nutshell description of what I consider foundational.
Believing in them is essential, at least to be walking in the truth. How much could be denied and one still make it in? Christ wants us to be true to all of it. Denying foundations certainly makes for a shoddy building inherent with problems.
Remember the goal is perfection.