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Old 09-15-2014, 11:48 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
Millions of souls lost and need to hear the gospel, yet you think God's number one agenda item is to rid the church of this "main heresy." I think God probably shakes his head in amazement at what he gets blamed for. Win the lost, tell people about HIS love and HIS grace, warn them of judgement to come and compel them to know Christ.

Use your non-tithe monies/offerings to reach the lost and then you MIGHT have an opportunity to address the error of the money grubbing preachers......good grief!!!!

I have won hundreds to the Lord over the years(free of charge), just to send them into the "booby trap" of tithing. The Lord has stopped me in my tracks to address this "heresy"in the last few years.

Tithe teachers have "run off" untold numbers of souls because of this unbiblical to the New Testament, forced giving requirement.(when they discover it is not a New Testament requirement or they just cant endure the "condemnation" anymore.)

We need money, oh yes...but not by "coercion"....co·er·cion
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment, intimidation, threats, arm-twisting, pressure

This is EXACTLY what tithe teachers do when they teach mandatory giving. The world sees that and is abhorred by this. And these tithe teachers just flip their nose at the world and say..."then you cant be saved".

I have personally observed this for 35 years now. I know exactly what I am talking about.

We just win one, lose one, win one, lose one....the cycle continues, but the tithe teacher makes a killing in the process.

Well the game is over....The Lord Jesus is DEMANDING for us to restructure our giving methods!

Last edited by Sean; 09-15-2014 at 11:51 AM.
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Old 09-15-2014, 11:52 AM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
You may think its a joke, but I am seeing the judgement of the Lord on these tithe teachers in my sphere of influence now. It will spread as the Holy Ghost reveals the truth to others and the Lord will raise up ministers that will teach free will giving. We will look back at this heresy as a "dark ages" of Oneness Pentecostal history.
That some people in your in your sphere of influence now, are not longer teaching the tithe could be for a number of reasons, People die, move away, leave the ministry, and so on; and not precisely because they changed their minds. How big is your sphere of influence, 10 preachers? 100 preachers? 1,000 preachers?

You got a long way to go, for about 99 percent of Apostolic preachers, preach the tithe, so go ahead keep on tilting at windmills, you are entitled to teach whatever you want, if you feel it is biblically correct. (Which of course I do not)

in the meanwhile, we greedy money grubbing tithe preachers will continue preaching the tithe and using the tithe to bring more folks into the church, after all it takes money to pay the ministry bills or do any kind of ministry.

Good luck to you doing ministry without any funds.
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Old 09-15-2014, 12:05 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
That some people in your in your sphere of influence now, are not longer teaching the tithe could be for a number of reasons, People die, move away, leave the ministry, and so on; and not precisely because they changed their minds. How big is your sphere of influence, 10 preachers? 100 preachers? 1,000 preachers?

You got a long way to go, for about 99 percent of Apostolic preachers, preach the tithe, so go ahead keep on tilting at windmills, you are entitled to teach whatever you want, if you feel it is biblically correct. (Which of course I do not)

in the meanwhile, we greedy money grubbing tithe preachers will continue preaching the tithe and using the tithe to bring more folks into the church, after all it takes money to pay the ministry bills or do any kind of ministry.

Good luck to you doing ministry without any funds.

You mean..."forced funds"

I dont have a long way to go...The Lord Jesus does!

Yep,,,win one, lose one, win one, lose one,(population doubles every 50 years), win one, lose one.....what a joke.

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Old 09-15-2014, 01:07 PM
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Dumbest mess I've read in a long time
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Old 09-15-2014, 01:07 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
You mean..."forced funds"

I dont have a long way to go...The Lord Jesus does!

Yep,,,win one, lose one, win one, lose one,(population doubles every 50 years), win one, lose one.....what a joke.

Serious Question.....since you have become enlightened.....how many have you won/kept....and how long has it been since God opened your eyes to this purported truth?
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Old 09-15-2014, 01:11 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
Things are changing now. The Holy Ghost wants this heresy removed from the body or else.....

I know exactly what that passage means...I am quoting it this way because the Lord has shown me what he intends to do with the heretics that will not fix this wretched doctrine. I would not want to face the Lord, knowing I deceived the saints into forced giving, like these modern day tithe teachers have. They dont stand a chance in the resurrection.

I have been debating this subject on AFF for almost 2 years myself...where have you been?

So you believe that God has changed his focus from winning souls to purging HIS church from this heresy?

Secondly you admit that you have wrested the scripture to mean something it does not mean. I could've sworn the Bible says something about that..........let's see......oh yeah wresting the scriptures to their own destruction......hmmm
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Old 09-15-2014, 02:42 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I have won hundreds to the Lord over the years(free of charge), just to send them into the "booby trap" of tithing. The Lord has stopped me in my tracks to address this "heresy"in the last few years.

Tithe teachers have "run off" untold numbers of souls because of this unbiblical to the New Testament, forced giving requirement.(when they discover it is not a New Testament requirement or they just cant endure the "condemnation" anymore.)

We need money, oh yes...but not by "coercion"....co·er·cion
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment, intimidation, threats, arm-twisting, pressure

This is EXACTLY what tithe teachers do when they teach mandatory giving. The world sees that and is abhorred by this. And these tithe teachers just flip their nose at the world and say..."then you cant be saved".

I have personally observed this for 35 years now. I know exactly what I am talking about.

We just win one, lose one, win one, lose one....the cycle continues, but the tithe teacher makes a killing in the process.

Well the game is over....The Lord Jesus is DEMANDING for us to restructure our giving methods!
Wow, someone hit a nerve with this guy!

So, Sean, how long do we all have before God strikes us dead for opposing your prophetic consul?
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Old 09-15-2014, 02:55 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I have won hundreds to the Lord over the years(free of charge), just to send them into the "booby trap" of tithing. The Lord has stopped me in my tracks to address this "heresy"in the last few years.

Tithe teachers have "run off" untold numbers of souls because of this unbiblical to the New Testament, forced giving requirement.(when they discover it is not a New Testament requirement or they just cant endure the "condemnation" anymore.)

We need money, oh yes...but not by "coercion"....co·er·cion
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment, intimidation, threats, arm-twisting, pressure

This is EXACTLY what tithe teachers do when they teach mandatory giving. The world sees that and is abhorred by this. And these tithe teachers just flip their nose at the world and say..."then you cant be saved".

I have personally observed this for 35 years now. I know exactly what I am talking about.

We just win one, lose one, win one, lose one....the cycle continues, but the tithe teacher makes a killing in the process.

Well the game is over....The Lord Jesus is DEMANDING for us to restructure our giving methods!

I agree with you that tithing is not a practice of the New Covenant Church. The New Covenant Church taught freewill giving and having all things common. They certainly never taught any such thing as a regular paid salary for Preachers.

And just as bad (to me even worse) many Apostolics will bring a new convert in and then tell the men they are unholy because their wearing a beard and the women they commit sin if they ever trim their hair!

But as bad as these things are they are small compared to the foundational errors.

What could be worse for believers than those things already mentioned?

To start the pre trib rapture. Assuring trusting believers they wont have to face the end time persecutions setting them up to fall when it comes knocking on their door.

Then we have the doctrine of "immortal soul". In this preachers do away with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The good news is no longer the resurrection of the dead but rather instant Heaven!

And then since they have ascribed to men to already be immortal they teach the lost will be burning in the flame of Gehenna for millions, no wait, billions, no wait, trillions of years and yet their punishment has hardly even begun!

And as bad as these are perhaps the worse is the doctrine that the Christian need not be perfect to enter the kingdom of Heaven. That even with spots, wrinkles, and blemishes they can still enter! Assuming of course they have been diligent to shave. And if the women have not trimmed their hair. If they have diligently paid their tithes and have been faithful in Church attendance!

All the while Apostolic libs and cons agree that one need not be perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect.

So I do think Jesus is engaging his people on all heretical beliefs. They will one day be corrected probably in the great tribulation before Christ comes. Nonetheless we should be doing what we can to restore the doctrine of Christ in the earth.
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Old 09-15-2014, 04:58 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
the cycle continues, but the tithe teacher makes a killing in the process.

Well the game is over....The Lord Jesus is DEMANDING for us to restructure our giving methods!
Have you ever started a church from the ground up?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 09-15-2014, 05:00 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
Serious Question.....since you have become enlightened.....how many have you won/kept....and how long has it been since God opened your eyes to this purported truth?

I have been involved in winning souls since 1979. I just taught scores of SFT studies(1500-2000) and saw great numbers converted consistently over the years. Many have fallen away over the "tithe" issue(I never ever mentioned tithes as a requirement). The ministry ran them off.

I saw the tithe issue about 20 years ago. I was tithing on the gross and evangelizing souls after work, then some tough financial circumstances occurred. I "adjusted" to free will giving and shortly my income doubled. (its been that way ever since)
I had no internet or support group, since it was not available in those days, so I just kept my opinion to myself and continued my efforts. After I got the internet, I began to research the "other side" of the spectrum, and was shocked at the origin of New Testament tithing, beginning under the Catholic Church in the 6th century, and 1st enforced by Charlemagne in the 8th century. We have taken the Catholic method of forced giving in the name of tithing and dropped the rest of their doctrines.(trinity etc.) I have confronted ministers in my area that I have worked with for several years now. One pastor repented and abandoned tithing as a requirement.

I was exposed to some well know ministers in the organization that were praying curses on the saints that did not tithe or saying those that oppose their point of view are going to hell.

I am done allowing these men "terrorize" the saints..the Lord allowed me to be exposed to this stuff so I, as a teacher, would reveal their heresy until they drop it altogether. The Lord has "cracked down" already on some of them as I have earlier mentioned.

Last edited by Sean; 09-15-2014 at 05:28 PM.
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