Sean are you saying that anyone who comes against you will die in the space of two years?
The Lord has shown me to stand up against the tithing issue in the church as the main heresy that He is sick of. This particular man rose up against me and got me "black listed" in a revival situation we were having. Other situations have occurred similarly in the 2 year span.
I have been praying for years for the Lord to remove whoever it is that knowingly teaches this heresy.
The issue here is tithing, it is the #1 thing on the list of what the Lord Jesus hates taught in the churches.
I would not want to be on the tithe teachers side in the days we live in now.
Never underestimate what the Lord is doing. That is the biggest mistake we can make.
Yes of course, but some die prematurely, not discerning the Lord's body.
Hogwash!!! You obviously have no understanding of hermeneutics or simply want to wrest the scriptures to fit your ideology. This verse does NOT say, mean, nor imply that "because" men receive tithe they die....or die prematurely. If that were true then I know a whole lot preachers that must of been destined to die in their 100's but died prematurely at 70, 80 or even 90+ because they either are still preaching, or they preached tithing and received tithes all of their ministry lives.
What IS talking about is the fact that unlike Melchisedec of whom there is no record of his priesthood ending and no record of his death, that men who die receive tithe......nothing less, nothing more.......(If you really believe tithing is no longer valid, find a more biblical approach than really does your stance NO favors.)
The Lord has shown me to stand up against the tithing issue in the church as the main heresy that He is sick of. This particular man rose up against me and got me "black listed" in a revival situation we were having. Other situations have occurred similarly in the 2 year span.
I have been praying for years for the Lord to remove whoever it is that knowingly teaches this heresy.
The issue here is tithing, it is the #1 thing on the list of what the Lord Jesus hates taught in the churches.
I would not want to be on the tithe teachers side in the days we live in now.
Never underestimate what the Lord is doing. That is the biggest mistake we can make.
Millions of souls lost and need to hear the gospel, yet you think God's number one agenda item is to rid the church of this "main heresy." I think God probably shakes his head in amazement at what he gets blamed for. Win the lost, tell people about HIS love and HIS grace, warn them of judgement to come and compel them to know Christ.
Use your non-tithe monies/offerings to reach the lost and then you MIGHT have an opportunity to address the error of the money grubbing preachers......good grief!!!!
Hogwash!!! You obviously have no understanding of hermeneutics or simply want to wrest the scriptures to fit your ideology. This verse does NOT say, mean, nor imply that "because" men receive tithe they die....or die prematurely. If that were true then I know a whole lot preachers that must of been destined to die in their 100's but died prematurely at 70, 80 or even 90+ because they either are still preaching, or they preached tithing and received tithes all of their ministry lives.
What IS talking about is the fact that unlike Melchisedec of whom there is no record of his priesthood ending and no record of his death, that men who die receive tithe......nothing less, nothing more.......(If you really believe tithing is no longer valid, find a more biblical approach than really does your stance NO favors.)
Things are changing now. The Holy Ghost wants this heresy removed from the body or else.....
I know exactly what that passage means...I am quoting it this way because the Lord has shown me what he intends to do with the heretics that will not fix this wretched doctrine. I would not want to face the Lord, knowing I deceived the saints into forced giving, like these modern day tithe teachers have. They dont stand a chance in the resurrection.
I have been debating this subject on AFF for almost 2 years myself...where have you been?
If the Lord removes all those preachers, we are going to lose about 99 percent of all Apostolic preachers.
I hope you are ready to take over thousands of churches and their members.
You may think its a joke, but I am seeing the judgement of the Lord on these tithe teachers in my sphere of influence now. It will spread as the Holy Ghost reveals the truth to others and the Lord will raise up ministers that will teach free will giving. We will look back at this heresy as a "dark ages" of Oneness Pentecostal history.