Being a 4month newbies into Apostolic teachings, at the camp revival I picked up a great book (which is odd as I never buy books these days.)
Devotions With Dad
I have to say, I started this last night with my 2 boys, one 12 & on 14.
I thought it would be the corniest thing we've ever done, plus I haven't read a story to them in 10years...
But it works! They were interested, laughing and they learned something!!!
I used props, a remote for dad, a cell phone for mom, a cats toy goldfish for the dog... but it worked!
Thought I should share, this is almost a breakthrough with these guys, and the book is very sarcastic
It's not just a book you read from, it's a step-by-step dummies book for Dad. Honestly it's worth checking into.