I was raised to tithe based on OT scripture. But I cannot find where it says in the NT to tithe or that Gentiles should tithe at all.
I have no problem giving. But I was raised in a lot of man made rules, outright lies and brainwashing - so I'm having to learn a lot on my own. I want to do what is right Biblically.
It feels strange not giving because it was beaten into me. But I can't find it in scripture. Any advice?
You are not "bound by the law" to tithe. Pray... and make a vow to God to give a certain amount (or percentage) out of your harvest as you feel led of the Holy Ghost. Don't shy away from giving 10% if that's what you feel led to give! God loves a cheerful giver!
I was raised to tithe based on OT scripture. But I cannot find where it says in the NT to tithe or that Gentiles should tithe at all.
I have no problem giving. But I was raised in a lot of man made rules, outright lies and brainwashing - so I'm having to learn a lot on my own. I want to do what is right Biblically.
It feels strange not giving because it was beaten into me. But I can't find it in scripture. Any advice?
Nothing wrong with giving money to God. Just make the check payable to "God", and mail it to "Heaven". Might need extra postage.
Many years ago when I was the treasurer for a church, one of the church members used to do that: make his check payable to "God". Since the bank never had a problem cashing the check, I never said anything to him. But when it came time to give him his year-end contribution receipt, I was very tempted to make it out from "God" and leave him to explain it to the IRS. (I didn't, I played nice).
Many years ago when I was the treasurer for a church, one of the church members used to do that: make his check payable to "God". Since the bank never had a problem cashing the check, I never said anything to him. But when it came time to give him his year-end contribution receipt, I was very tempted to make it out from "God" and leave him to explain it to the IRS. (I didn't, I played nice).
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
If you tithe, do it as unto the Lord.
If you do not tithe, do it as unto the Lord.
Considering the custom of your church as well.
I do not have a problem with people who are convicted either way.
I do have a problem with people who tithe to prove a point, and those who don't tithe to prove a point, and those who use their convictions to prove themselves "more spiritual" than their brothers and sisters under the blood.
I tithe out of obedience to my pastor and out of a sincere love for God and giving to the ministry. I'd hope that those who do not tithe have the same reasons and those who do have the same reasons. I can say the Lord has blessed my finances. I've found that the Lord loves a cheerful GIVER and blesses those who give out of a true love and concern for the work of the Lord no matter their specific convictions.
One should give monetary gifts to the congregation where they fellowship and they should give their best,but it's up to them to determine the amount,a certain percentage is not determined in the new testament.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.