Originally Posted by MarieA27
...the thing about the standards is, the application may be different today, but the principles behind them are still the same.
Forbidding people to wear makeup and jewelry may not be in the bible, but the principle behind them (pride) is. The thing is, people also don't seem to know or understand what pride is, unless it deals with someone being haughty and acting like they're above everyone.
Doesn't the Bible say not to add to or take away from? Yet you're saying "it may not be in the Bible" but it's the principle of the matter.
But ok, let's talk principle. Makeup and jewelry aren't the only things that can show pride.
"Praise the Lord, Brother, we had 2500 new visitors on Easter sunday!" "We just had 50 get baptized." "I preached a revival and 5 MILLION fell out speaking in tongues." Want to talk about pride?
Speaking of jewelry, what about the hair picks UPC ladies wear that have pearls and all kinds of beads and fake gems on them?
Since we're on the topic of standards, why can't the UPC churches agree what's right and wrong between themselves....much less trying to tell everyone else what's right and wrong?
One church believes you'll split hell open for wearing short sleeves or a wedding ring. Another is okay with sleeves and a wedding ring, but my God, women better not wear a skirt less than 6 inches below her knees or have a neckline more than 3 fingers from her chin!
And that's something else that bothers me about UPC standards...why is it so completely skewed against women? All men have to do is keep their hair cut to above their collar. Most secular jobs I've had required that anyway, so big deal. Yet women are nagged and condemned if they don't adhere to a list longer than a chinese take-out menu.
Ministers will spit and holler about dress standards, but will ignore the part of the Bible that speaks about gluttony. They'll just about take out the first row with the buttons nearly popping off their vests. They want to preach about how women should be as uncomfortable and stick out as much as possible, but they won't dare talk about showing moderation at a buffet.
I have a small problem with the UPC on standards.
Originally Posted by seekerman
How about neckties on men? What's the difference between a $35 piece of cloth around a man's neck and a $35 piece of jewelry around a woman's neck?
Not just ties. What about the $700 to $1000 or more suits that preachers wear?