My pastor preached a tremendous message Sunday night on keeping our Apostolic inheritance. It really stirred me. He preached about how Naboth refused to sell out his vineyard and that many in the OP movement are selling their vineyard.
I would like to contend that if the Apostles were alive today they would continue to be champions of the following tenents!
They would teach the Oneness of God and against the doctrine of trinitarianism.
They would teach the absoulute necessity of the fulfillment of
Acts 2:38 Salvation.
They would teach Separation from the world and a holiness lifestyle.
They would teach against television!
They would teach against Apostolic ladies cutting or dying their hair.
They would teach short hair on men.
They would teach against cosmetics.
They would teach that ladies should wear dresses/ skirts and men should wear pants.
They would teach against organized sports.
They would teach against jewelry of any kind.
They would teach that the knees need to be covered at ALL times when in public.
They would probably even teach sleeves AT LEAST to the elbow.
Many other things would they teach, and certainly they would be the center of much ridicule.
Most of all, however, they would teach “Love your brother even when he hates you!”
I really do love being Apostolic!