Originally Posted by tex
he took 20 percent of the tithes and made over $500k a year.
$50k yr/ food allowance. he and his entire family had gas cards. he had a housing allowance and an american express card with a huge credit limit as well. drove a fairly new loaded bmw 735. he milked tpc dry. he literally raped the church. claimed the jackyls were after him.
Hey Tex, I have a feeling we know each other. ;-) Be careful, Tattoo Man and his Gossip police will lock you up. Funny how these "Holier than thou" "Scripture Posting" "Only Concerned about the Healing of TPC" posters continue to perpetuate these threads. Last I heard all that participate in the spread of "so called" gossip are culpable. So, by their very own admission, the mere fact that they are posting on these threads makes them a participant. So that makes them as guilty as those that "supposedly" spread it. Hypocrite much! Flame retardant suit Donned. ;-P
Listen people, if you are a part of a congregation that is solely being run by one man. Even if there is a board, you must demand accountability. I would recommend the hiring of an outside certified accountant to come in and go over the books every year or so. Let this mess that happened at our church be a warning you. Don't let this happen to you! We loved our Pastor, we thought he was above reproach an we got burned. That's where forums such as this can serve a benefit to all. If someone had told me that my pastor would do such things I would have called them a liar. But, it did happen and we can all learn from it.
Demand accountability, and if the church leadership doesn't agree, then there is a good chance that something is askew. We at TPC are healing, we are a strong fellowship and Brother Brown has done a wonderful job in a very difficult situation. Just don't sit back and become complacent. Be active and demand accountability from your leadership. Don't let what happened to us happen to you.