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Old 09-21-2010, 10:05 PM
DAII DAII is offline
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UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges


NEWARK — A former Millersport church pastor accused of having sex with a 16-year-old congregant was released from jail after posting bond Monday.

Daniel L. Monk, 47, last known address 1025 Kelly Drive, Hebron, was charged with sexual battery, a third-degree felony, after reportedly admitting to kissing and engaging in sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old girl at least twice, according to court records.

On Aug. 28, the Hebron Police Department received a call from the girl’s mother, saying she had noticed an inappropriate relationship between her daughter and Monk, Hebron police Lt. Larry Brooks said.

Monk resigned as the pastor at Souls Harbor Pentecostal Church, 12180 Lancaster St., Millersport, and surrendered his license that affiliated him with the Pentecostal church about a week before his arrest, said J. Mark Jordan, supervisor of the United Pentecostal Church’s Ohio District. Monk and his family founded the church about five years ago, he added.

“We’re very distraught about this situation,” Jordan said.

Monk, who had counseled the girl, had sent the girl text messages at odd hours of the morning, according to court records. The mother also caught her daughter sneaking out of the house to meet him at 5:30 a.m., according to court records.

More here: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/articl...-sex-with-teen
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:16 PM
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

This is too sad, but also all too common across many demoninational lines.
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

Originally Posted by DAII View Post

NEWARK — A former Millersport church pastor accused of having sex with a 16-year-old congregant was released from jail after posting bond Monday.

Daniel L. Monk, 47, last known address 1025 Kelly Drive, Hebron, was charged with sexual battery, a third-degree felony, after reportedly admitting to kissing and engaging in sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old girl at least twice, according to court records.

On Aug. 28, the Hebron Police Department received a call from the girl’s mother, saying she had noticed an inappropriate relationship between her daughter and Monk, Hebron police Lt. Larry Brooks said.

Monk resigned as the pastor at Souls Harbor Pentecostal Church, 12180 Lancaster St., Millersport, and surrendered his license that affiliated him with the Pentecostal church about a week before his arrest, said J. Mark Jordan, supervisor of the United Pentecostal Church’s Ohio District. Monk and his family founded the church about five years ago, he added.

“We’re very distraught about this situation,” Jordan said.

Monk, who had counseled the girl, had sent the girl text messages at odd hours of the morning, according to court records. The mother also caught her daughter sneaking out of the house to meet him at 5:30 a.m., according to court records.

More here: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/articl...-sex-with-teen

I just don't like it when things like this become internet fodder. For all we know, this man could be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT innocent and is being revenged for a decision someone didn't like. OR...maybe he's guilty. I would love for this kind of thing to be silenced until his due process takes place.

I know, I know, I'm living in a dream world because this man will be thrashed on forums like this, but before you say a single word about it, just consider that there are times when innocent people are accused. If he is guilty, he will pay dearly.
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:35 PM
DAII DAII is offline
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

Originally Posted by Liberal View Post
I just don't like it when things like this become internet fodder. For all we know, this man could be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT innocent and is being revenged for a decision someone didn't like. OR...maybe he's guilty. I would love for this kind of thing to be silenced until his due process takes place.

I know, I know, I'm living in a dream world because this man will be thrashed on forums like this, but before you say a single word about it, just consider that there are times when innocent people are accused. If he is guilty, he will pay dearly.
According to the article he has admitted to authorities to having sexual intercourse with the 16 year old at least twice .... and also kissing her AS HER BOYFRIEND!

On Sept. 7, police interviewed Monk and he admitted to being the girl’s “boyfriend,” according to court records. He also told police they had kissed and had sex on at least two occasions between April 30 and Sept. 1, according to court records.
Methinks your agenda ... is plain. Cry FOUL and vilify the evil forum that hates pastors!

100% innocent, Liberal ??????... GUFFAW.

Yes, I hope due process is what happens here.

Hush, one of the good ol' boys might mess up our groove.

Once again, the weak, the disenfranchised and victim is not even factored into the conversation.

Last edited by DAII; 09-21-2010 at 10:55 PM.
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:56 PM
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
According to the article he has admitted to authorities to having sexual intercourse with the 16 year old at least twice .... and also kissing her AS HER BOYFRIEND!

Methinks your agenda ... is plain. Cry FOUL and vilify the evil forum that hates pastors!

100% innocent, Liberal ??????... GUFFAW.

Yes, I hope due process is what happens here.

In the bond hearing the only thing he said was that he had been accused of saying things he hadn't said. Don't "Guffaw" something like that. It does happen. As a pastor, I have in fact, helped defend a man that was caught up in a similar situation and eventually he was vindicated...but not before his life was destroyed. DAII, it does happen. Let due process occur before you hang the man. Hundreds of men on death row have been cleared by DNA evidence in America. Shockingly, our system does occasionally get it wrong. And for goodness' sake, newspapers certainly get it wrong occasionally.

I have no agenda except a desire for the truth. No need for you to come after me, claiming an "Agenda." And I did not say he is 100% innocent...I said he could be. Why? Because he could be.

The agenda you accuse me of isn't even close to the truth. You don't know me and have no idea what my heart is. Don't assume you do.
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Old 09-22-2010, 01:59 AM
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

I agree with Liberal. Let due process take it's course
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Old 09-22-2010, 07:48 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

If it were you... wouldn't you want due process? What if they are baseless accusations? Now... to report it after the facts are found and he's convicted... go for it.

Here's my question... obviously this young lady was leaving the house and meeting with him. What was she thinking. A 16 year old girl! Did she throw herself at him? Did she seduce him? She carries some of the blame here too.
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Old 09-22-2010, 08:11 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

Originally Posted by Liberal View Post
I just don't like it when things like this become internet fodder. For all we know, this man could be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT innocent and is being revenged for a decision someone didn't like. OR...maybe he's guilty. I would love for this kind of thing to be silenced until his due process takes place.

I know, I know, I'm living in a dream world because this man will be thrashed on forums like this, but before you say a single word about it, just consider that there are times when innocent people are accused. If he is guilty, he will pay dearly.
He could be innocent. Was she sneaking out of the house to go have a bowl of cereal with him at 5:30 AM?
This case is why Liberals are fighting to lower the age of consent.
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Old 09-22-2010, 08:18 AM
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

Originally Posted by Liberal View Post
I just don't like it when things like this become internet fodder. For all we know, this man could be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT innocent and is being revenged for a decision someone didn't like. OR...maybe he's guilty. I would love for this kind of thing to be silenced until his due process takes place.

I know, I know, I'm living in a dream world because this man will be thrashed on forums like this, but before you say a single word about it, just consider that there are times when innocent people are accused. If he is guilty, he will pay dearly.
Generally innocent people don't admit guilt.

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Old 09-22-2010, 08:22 AM
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Re: UPCI pastor resigns amid teen sex charges

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
Once again, the weak, the disenfranchised and victim is not even factored into the conversation.
This is funny, in a sad sort of way. I have three daughters, 16, 13 and 10. They are hardly "weak" or "disenfranchised". Children today are not like children of our day. They know more and desire more than I ever did at their age. Don't get me wrong, the pastor here needs help, but so does the child. Don't let the term "teenager" fool you, they are smarter and more cunning than you are Apostolic.
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In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter

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