Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Let me assure you A of M is a new work- Not a TPC daughter work, Not a church split, and Not a work backed by TB. DE-is his own man. He loves TB and his family. DE can stand on his own two feet. I heard about Sunday's service at A of M...if you ask me, God has raised up DE in Mphs to take this city. TB is to be honored for his many years of service at TPC. He is a were never created to be perfect. Leave him and his business alone! His family deserves a chance to heal. He deserves the same offer of restoration that he gave soooooo many ppl in the congregation at TPC. All of you judgmental spirits-acting like you are dare you?!?! TPC deserves a chance to move on and heal. DE and his new work should not be's not your place. DE has always been a man of integrity as long as I've known him. His life has reflected a steady walk with God. He's been in truth 10 years now. I've never known him to back down from truth. If anyone thinks otherwise, watch out! The measure of judgement you pour out, you will receive. AND...just to set the record straight-JR (DE's Associate Pastor) has always been a man of integrity. He has always been steady in his walk with the Lord. He's never tried to create a forum for himself and perhaps thats why the Lord has chosen him...such a pure spirit. And his wife-probably one of the most faithful saints TPC had-she worked hard in Children's ministry for many years...she is sensitive to the voice of God and will be an incredible asset to DE's church. Sad TPC lost her and JR. God is doing something bigger than TPC in my opinion. If I could, I'd go check out DE's work...I recently left the area with work. I'll be back to visit soon tho and you better believe I will be checking out A of M!!
This mess in Memphis needs to stop! I heard TPC was asked to "shun" A of M...Lol! Thats really christian of you! It's not the way ppl of truth should behave! Let everyone move on. There is too many souls at risk to be lost to focus so much on this mess!