Originally Posted by scotty
To study the activity of the brain one has to be hooked to some sort of machine to measure this activity during a time when one is speaking in tongues.
I have a seriously problem believing that God is going to move on someone while being a part of some experiment to detect his presence.
Great observation! If we have to resort to the scientific to believe what we believe about our experience with God.... we are of all men most miserable.
1 Cor. 1:22-23 "For the Jews require a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness."
Signs, and wisdom does not get you anywhere in your search. Ask the Pharisees. Ask the Greeks.
What does it require? Faith. "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than man." and... "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."
As long as you are trying to understand God using only man's wisdom, you will never find Him, or truly know Him.
So in your search for the truth of tongues, ultimately, it comes down to you, and your relationship with God. Are you trying to determine God exists by standing on a "sign" like the Jews (or tongues to be more specific), or are you trying to determine if God exists using man's wisdom? Neither works.
Without faith... it is impossible to please God.
Does the fish swimming in the sea question whether the sea exists in which he is swimming? Does he stop swimming, and decide to stop breathing, simply because he doesn't believe that the sea he is swimming in exists? No, he keeps on swimming, day by day, even though he doesn't understand the complexities that make up the sea he lives in.
Just as that little fish swimming in the sea... we are humans living in a world created by God. Do we stop what we are doing, and say I am going to stop breathing today, because I don't understand how this world got here? No, of course not.
You see.... it takes faith just to live.
We exercise faith every day. Every one of us do. We have faith in the pilot of the airplane when we board. We have faith that the chef in the restaurant would know how to cook the food we are eating. We have faith that the car we get in to drive will fire up and drive away as we push the gas pedal. We have faith that the bridge we drove over had an engineer who knew how to design it so it wouldn't collapse. We have faith that the banker will take our money today, and give it back to us tomorrow. .....
My point being this... Faith is necessary to even exist in this world... so why is it so hard to have faith in the GOD that created all of us, who we still cannot even comprehend, or describe?
Have you read the book of Job recently? It's a great place to start to rebuild your faith in the creator of this universe ....
Will be praying that you find the answers you are searching for in the post of this thread.
And by the way, your little girl, is absolutely beautiful!