Originally Posted by mrnbcox
I haven't been hear a long time, so I am just putting out what I have seen so far..
and the Oneness thread awhile back is where I drew my conclusions that some are not sure Jesus was fully God.
What individual (please name them) said they weren't sure Jesus was fully God? Me thinks you are wrong on that point.
In fact, you are hard-pressed to find too many in Christendom that don't believe Jesus was fully God.
And to be accurate, since I suspect
no one said that or doubted His divinity, it would also be presumptious to classify AFF in general for the opinion of a one (and possibly a dramatic minority).
What you didn't include in your learnings are these type of people:
Repeat Sunday School rhetoric
When in doubt, use the "obey your pastor" card
Never question doctrine
In debate, avoid scriptural discussions, just be a dump truck of scriptures you think are owned by your position.
Those that view salvation has been a huge hurdle, and we will be lucky if we just barely make it
Those that see their own works as part of their salvation, ignorantly using James' Faith w/out Works sermon.
Those that are quick to label people, but slow to enter true discourse with people.
Those who realize they don't know how to biblically defend their positions, and the usual cycle is: attack everyone else, label them, anger, consideration, study, more study, concession of points, and in the end hopefully a robust biblical world view.