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Old 07-26-2012, 06:24 PM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by BroJoe View Post
Oh man Prax...you're on a roll.

Another post that is adding to conversation. You're doing real good here.

I actually know people, my pastor's wife included, that cannot pray unless their music is loud. They need the music to drown out their prayers, for whatever reason.

And then there are others...that simply find all this distracting.

Music is designed to open up the spirit. God designed it that way.
Yeah....who said that? The bible?

The first church didn't have music most likely
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Old 07-26-2012, 09:05 PM
johnny44 johnny44 is offline
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
What are YOUR thoughts? Sorry, stupid question, I haven't been around here in quite a while, but I've just read through a few threads and saw several of your posts, so I'm pretty sure I know what your answer will be.

My answer is; give me scripture for it being wrong, and I'll be against it. But I'm gonna need actual scripture, not some construct of what you've been taught, or some "worldliness" analogy.

If you can show me that having service with two congregational songs, an offering, a special song and choir song, followed by 45 minutes to a hour and a half of preaching, is the biblical way to have church, then I'm all for that.

Otherwise, I don't have a problem with "light shows".
Hey, Weedpatch is smelling better and beter all the time.
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Old 07-26-2012, 09:48 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
Just to clarify something for you houston, I don't currently have a church. I just hate the hypocrisy surrounding what "church" is "supposed" to be like, when very few churches are having anywhere near what would considered a biblical model of a church service. Not to say what ANY church is doing is wrong, we have to adjust for the time we live in, I understand that. I just hate all the judging and finger pointing.
Aww. Sorry to hear that.
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Old 07-26-2012, 10:51 PM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by johnny44 View Post
Hey, Weedpatch is smelling better and beter all the time.
Oh lord, let's not get crazy!
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Old 07-26-2012, 11:03 PM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
So you approve of imitating the world?

If they have disco lights at a club HOW MUCH MORE should we do it for our God?

So you tailor some of the service to be attractive to visitors by doing what the do at football games....
I personally don't think disco lights are equal to praise.

We open our mouths to praise. We clap our hands to praise.

I see the correlation you're trying to make, but you're mistaken. Sorry.
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Old 07-26-2012, 11:05 PM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Yeah....who said that? The bible?

The first church didn't have music most likely
The Bible clearly outlines that music opens the spirit and the soul up.

And I would disagree with your second statement.

Can you prove to me that they "most likely" didn't have music in the early church?
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Old 07-27-2012, 12:08 AM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by BroJoe View Post
I personally don't think disco lights are equal to praise.

We open our mouths to praise. We clap our hands to praise.

I see the correlation you're trying to make, but you're mistaken. Sorry.
I don't think running in circles is equal to praise...nor jumping up and down nor acting like people at a football game.

No Im not mistaken because the comparison is "Why are we imitating the world"...ie doing what the world does.

So why are you? Why DO you imitate the world? Why DO you imitate football fans?
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  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
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Old 07-27-2012, 12:25 AM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by BroJoe View Post
The Bible clearly outlines that music opens the spirit and the soul up.

And I would disagree with your second statement.

Can you prove to me that they "most likely" didn't have music in the early church?
If it clearly does then it should not be hard for you to post some verses

I can rationally point out that churches in Jerusalem were persecuted...do I need scriptures for that?

I can rationally point out that being persecuted meant they had to be discreet.

Most churches were in HOMES..in fact all churches were till later when they started taking over or building their own temples.

Being in churches made them small

Having a small congregation meant the likelihood of having musicians in the congregation was SMALL

also being mostly POOR (as many Jews were at the time) meant not everyone had an instrument.

As the church grew larger and more accepted, musicians were brought into the church or church members trained for it.

Remember, this is not like today where an established church sends a piano playing wife out with a preach husband to start a church. THE Church had just begun
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 07-27-2012, 01:23 AM
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
If it clearly does then it should not be hard for you to post some verses

I can rationally point out that churches in Jerusalem were persecuted...do I need scriptures for that?

I can rationally point out that being persecuted meant they had to be discreet.

Most churches were in HOMES..in fact all churches were till later when they started taking over or building their own temples.

Being in churches made them small

Having a small congregation meant the likelihood of having musicians in the congregation was SMALL

also being mostly POOR (as many Jews were at the time) meant not everyone had an instrument.

As the church grew larger and more accepted, musicians were brought into the church or church members trained for it.

Remember, this is not like today where an established church sends a piano playing wife out with a preach husband to start a church. THE Church had just begun
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Old 07-27-2012, 01:34 AM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Light Shows In Churches

Y'all be nice. He's just a kid.
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