Originally Posted by BroJoe
The Bible clearly outlines that music opens the spirit and the soul up.
And I would disagree with your second statement.
Can you prove to me that they "most likely" didn't have music in the early church?
If it clearly does then it should not be hard for you to post some verses
I can rationally point out that churches in Jerusalem were persecuted...do I need scriptures for that?
I can rationally point out that being persecuted meant they had to be discreet.
Most churches were in HOMES..in fact all churches were till later when they started taking over or building their own temples.
Being in churches made them small
Having a small congregation meant the likelihood of having musicians in the congregation was SMALL
also being mostly POOR (as many Jews were at the time) meant not everyone had an instrument.
As the church grew larger and more accepted, musicians were brought into the church or church members trained for it.
Remember, this is not like today where an established church sends a piano playing wife out with a preach husband to start a church. THE Church had just begun