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BroJoe 07-25-2012 05:57 PM

Light Shows In Churches
What are your thoughts on turning the lights down, and putting on disco lights and strobe's in the sanctuary during worship?

Dordrecht 07-25-2012 06:03 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches
It's nuts.

AreYouReady? 07-25-2012 06:04 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches
There is a well-known UPC church in my region who turns down the lights in the auditorium, puts spotlights on the "praise singers" against a dark purple or black drapery type background.

I hadn't been in a UPC church in years and I was kind of surprised when I walked into this.

Dordrecht 07-25-2012 06:07 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches
They are imitating the world.....

AreYouReady? 07-25-2012 06:10 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by Dordrecht (Post 1178050)
They are imitating the world.....

...but of course! It's ok when they imitate the world....just don't you do it without their blessings. :dogkiss

HolyFire 07-25-2012 06:25 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by Dordrecht (Post 1178050)
They are imitating the world.....

You get the power and real preaching back in your church you won't need that mess.Yes, I know Jesus met people where they were, but Jesus didn't climb the tree to reach Zacchaeus . If we keep adding this junk folks won't know what they are getting saved from and Who we are pointing them to! I sometimes think the Spirit has to be grieved over such stuff.

KeptByTheWord 07-25-2012 06:36 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches
Emotionalism, hype, and pure entertainment will try to imitate a moving of God's presence, but the movement only lasts about as long as it takes to get to the back door.

You will never be able to "hype" up the true presence, and moving of the Lord that changes hearts, lives and souls, and leaves a lasting impression.

That presence or "shekinah glory" of Jesus will only make itself truly known when heartfelt worship of the Almighty God takes place.

For God does not share His glory with another, especially human beings craving attention with spot lights, and strobe lights, and things done to hype up the emotion in the service.

Michael The Disciple 07-25-2012 06:43 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches
It depends on what the people under the lights are doing. Are they making the praises of YHWH beautiful and glorious? Are they leading others to do the same? Is their music and worship teaching to love God and keep his commandments? I would far rather have the light show and a good Charismatic worship than to have people running aisles and pews. I knew one Bro who broke his leg shouting. Another time I saw a guy running aisles and someone opened the door and he ran into them. Now if the singers are just hypocrites wanting the praise of men Im fully against it.

AreYouReady? 07-25-2012 06:55 PM

Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple (Post 1178061)
Another time I saw a guy running aisles and someone opened the door and he ran into them.


dizzyde 07-26-2012 12:53 AM

Re: Light Shows In Churches

Originally Posted by BroJoe (Post 1178041)
What are your thoughts on turning the lights down, and putting on disco lights and strobe's in the sanctuary during worship?

What are YOUR thoughts? Sorry, stupid question, I haven't been around here in quite a while, but I've just read through a few threads and saw several of your posts, so I'm pretty sure I know what your answer will be.

My answer is; give me scripture for it being wrong, and I'll be against it. But I'm gonna need actual scripture, not some construct of what you've been taught, or some "worldliness" analogy.

If you can show me that having service with two congregational songs, an offering, a special song and choir song, followed by 45 minutes to a hour and a half of preaching, is the biblical way to have church, then I'm all for that.

Otherwise, I don't have a problem with "light shows".

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