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Old 06-22-2011, 07:50 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
Just wondering how pastors are suppose to eat and pay bills if saints don't tithe to the church?
For the record. I attend a church that has over 2,000 members. They have an enormous sanctuary in Centerville Ohio. There are nearly 100 house churches networked throughout the Miami Valley. And guess what... I've not heard anything about a required "tithe". And all the church's needs are met. When a need arises, the church briefs the congregation so that the congregation can assist in meeting the need. It's done freely and as each one purposes in their heart.

Living by faith isn't just for the man or woman in the pew. The ministry should live by faith also. Mandating a tithe is not living by faith. It's living by an outdated system in the Law. It's securing a paycheck because the minister is affraid that if he doesn't require a given amount he'll have to go without new suits to wear to conference or a nice vehicle to drive to district camp meetings.
Old 06-22-2011, 11:23 AM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
Just wondering how pastors are suppose to eat and pay bills if saints don't tithe to the church?
get a job maybe?
Old 06-22-2011, 11:52 AM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
Just wondering how pastors are suppose to eat and pay bills if saints don't tithe to the church?
The way most church planters do it.

Rent a auditorium for a few hundred each week instead of a building costing thousands.

The pastor and assistants bi-vocational, also to delegate to the assistants properly.

Free will offerings, pledges from members, any one of a hundred ways of raising money without making it a obligation of and for salvation/continued grace/obedience.

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Old 06-22-2011, 12:06 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
Just wondering how pastors are suppose to eat and pay bills if saints don't tithe to the church?
Saints are not tithing to the church, saints are the church. Saints who tithe their money are giving it to members of an organization. The organization mirrors the Old Testament Mosaic Law to a small degree. This by taking scripture out of context.

The organization will use Mosaic law to promote tithing money which required food items. That system was done away with and pertained to Israelites anyway.

Much of these errors are done out of ignorance and tradition passed on. However, sooner or later these organizations will have to deal with the truth. The truth on this issue is spreading like a virus.


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
Old 06-22-2011, 12:18 PM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
Just wondering how pastors are suppose to eat and pay bills if saints don't tithe to the church?
Take a lesson from the Apostle Paul

Acts 20:34
You know that these hands of mine have worked to supply my own needs and even the needs of those who were with me.

The Apostle Paul labored to supply his own needs and those of his companions.

I do recall Paul stating, follow me as I follow Christ.
Old 07-22-2011, 10:38 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by Bella1 View Post
I TOTALLY believe in paying tithes. But because of what money I do bring home, the bills that I pay, I can barely buy groceries and buy gas to get back and forth to church, work, home. (I actually have a gas credit card from my sister that tides me over each month if I need it and then I repay her). So since my separation from my husband almost three years ago, I do not pay tithes.

And I go to a church that has commitment papers. If you are on platform, ect...you sign these papers and one of the qualifications of ministry is that you pay tithes. Do I agree with that? No. BUT...I am committed to go there for the next little while until I find out where I will be living. So I don't minister in that church like I would elsewhere.

I am not unhappy at that church. I get good preaching, good teaching, and I love the pastor and family. I would NEVER say or do anything that would upset or hurt them. I feel that I have not been blessed by the Lord for Three years due to not paying tithes. And I miss those blessing. When I can, I give with gladness.

BUT tithing is a HUGE issue for me right now. I can't do it. Or I would not eat or I would not be able to get to work. People tell me all the time to "Trust the Lord". I do. But I also have gone without food in my pantry for several weeks. I ate at a friends house. Yes, the Lord did provide, but.....

It does make me sad that I can't sing specials or be in the choir. That is my ministry. That is my gift. That is my heartbeat. If tithing holds me back from doing what I think God has given me, I will not complain.

And please don't preacher bash or church bash. Most of us were brought up and taught to pay tithing. It is a way of life to me. But when you CAN'T pay them, guilt sets in.

My pastor is on this site. He will most likely read this post. You know that I love you Pastor. I just wish things could be so different in my life.
Does your church collect food to give to those who are going through hard times like you are? Why not take their help (the food) and give your tithes until God opens doors of blessing for you?
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Old 07-23-2011, 06:48 AM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Does your church collect food to give to those who are going through hard times like you are? Why not take their help (the food) and give your tithes until God opens doors of blessing for you?
Or better yet, why doesn't she just not pay the tithe, support her family, give freely and without compulsion as the scriptures teach, and be obedient to the Bible, free of ungodly condemnation? The tithe doctrine is a doctrine I neither agree with, nor can be supported in scripture. It is not for believers today, and those who make it mandatory do so by adding to the Word.

Many believers have been wounded by this doctrine of mandatory tithing. They have been chastised, spiritually abused, and sometimes forced out of their home churches over this doctrine. Tithing as many teach it is not of the Lord, for it does not accord with his Word. It is spiritually abusive to some, and has brought ungodly, unscriptural, and purely demonic shame on others who do not deserve such.
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:38 AM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

I've got a few questions that are weighing on me. I was raised and taught to pay tithes and I never really studied and searched it out until the past few weeks. From what I have gathered, my view is leaning more towards Tithes not being mandatory, but i'm stuck on a few things....

1. The tithing of all your increase...I looked up the word increase in the Strongs and it's definition is: income, produce, fruit, gain, revenue.

I understand and see that Money was never tithed according to law, and that there was made an exception..IF the place you were to bring your tithes to was too far, you could exchange it for Money, but you had to add 20%. ...i'll get back to "increase" later

2. I do not understand exactly what Hebrews 7:1-19 is implying...I do get the point that Tithing under the Law as it was..is not required (no more tithing foods, animals)...I'm hung up more on the part of Abraham giving Melchezidek tithes, (I do understand it as a one time tithe of spoils of war and not income) and the mentioning of how greater of High Priest he was than the Levitical Priesthood...why that is mentioned is confusing me.

Tie point # 2 into the meaning of Increase, which some say tithes was never paid from an income, and I can't quite get it. Can somebody help me understand where i'm gettin all messed up here?
Old 08-03-2011, 01:51 AM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Also....Genesis 28:22...Jacob vowed a vow IF...but if you notice, before he says he will give a tenth of all God blesses him with, he says that God will be His God, that kind of hung me up too.

I guess all in all...the whole Levitical Priesthood, Mosaic Tithing Law isn't in question for me...it's Genesis 28 and Hebrews 7 that's giving me problems.
Old 08-03-2011, 08:07 AM
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Re: Tithing, Mandate for the New Testament Church?

Yes, we have a Hand Up ministry for Homeless People. I am not Homeless. I have not gone to my pastor or anyone else in leadership and told them of my problems. Pastor is aware of what I am going through. A friend and fellow church member has told him.

I just do not think that there is an understanding of my situation BECAUSE I have not gone and and cried and begged and posted on FB about my woes. Nor will I do any of those things. I am trusting that God will take care of me.

But on the tithing issue....If you have someone on your ministry staff that steps down, please find out WHY they are really stepping back from the ministry. Mine was 1. separation from husband and 2. an inpending Divorce from my husband. He was also on platform and I did not want to sing with him. I knew that I would be asked to step down eventually from Praise Singing because of the 3. tithing issue.

I may could get involved in other ministries in the church, but I am assuming that all ministries are the same. Or at least I hope they are.

Understand that I am not mad at Leadership. This is just their way of running a business. My dad who was my pastor for years told me to $10-20 each paycheck. He said God will honor what I can give. So that is what I have started doing. No. I will probably not be used in ministry, but I am okay with that.

God is using me in other Avenues right now. I have been asked to go this weekend to Wheeler Avenue Baptist to sing with their praise and worship group. I am honored to do so!
Bella1 "Live 4 2 Day"
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