Originally Posted by Praxeas
I have a better question, where does it say "You must grow a beard"?
Evidently you don't realize Judaism forbade any blade/s to be used to shave any portion of the beard. Only two-bladed devices could be used to trim the length, but never was the beard allowed to be shaved or the corners trimmed with the blade of a razor.
It doesn't. As I said, ALL the bible does is give guidelines on how to trim your beard.
Right. No razors. Period. That was historical Judaism, not my opinion or speculation.
The gospel is ontological? lol...please explain what "the gospel is ontological" means.
We're IN Christ. By our faith hypostasis, our hypostasis has put off our prosopon (the old man) and is in the hypostasis of God, having put on the prosopon of Christ.
It's the Gospel of Paul, entrusted to Him by God. Ontological means we literally live and move and have our being in Christ. It's our underlying reality of existence now. Our ontology. Our being. We are to reckon ourselves dead, and alive IN Christ.
Few understand the true Gospel, especially among Apostolics. "Being" is supplanted with "doing". The "doing" should be by faith, not dead works. That's what the Law prescribed.
Lev 14:9 And on the seventh day he shall shave off all his hair from his head, his beard, and his eyebrows. He shall shave off all his hair, and then he shall wash his clothes and bathe his body in water, and he shall be clean.
Ummm.... This was the cleansing ritual for lepers. Are you somehow insisting this being applied typologically?
More likely, you're just erroneously proof-texting, it would seem.
Hmmm. God's word prescribes being smooth skinned...does that mean in God's eyes he wanted me to be effeminate?
You're a leper? And this ceremonial cleansing was a permanent mandate to shave until your physical death rather than a one-time event?
This is just silly and ignorant handling of the text. I truly anticipated more. I've always thought your posts to be poignant and insightful, even though I'm just an occasional interloper at AFF.
Got a question of you...since you asked where does it say "if he has a beard"...
How do you interpret this verse?
Lev 19:29 "Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.
Does that mean everyone in Israel had a daughter? Or does it mean IF you have a daughter don't make her a prostitute?
No. Just as those who couldn't physically grow a beard were exempted from having a beard.
Since I'm not under the Law and I look into the perfect Law of Liberty and have the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, I don't feel compelled to either have OR shave my beard.
I wear my beard for a general sense of gender distinction. It's a personal dedication that has no application for the entire body of Christ. I have the same type of dedication in many other areas of my life. They're all works of faith, not dead works.
But if someone is going to be living out of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, adhering to the Old Covenant and Judaism; they should have a beard that is never razor-cut or razor-trimmed. The pick-and-choose from the Mosaic Law is maddeningly inane.
2Samuel 10:4-5 for an event and meaning you should be aware of. But you presented a leper cleansing passage above, so I don't really presume such awareness.
In the end, I don't if men shave or grow beards. There isn't any valid mandate either way under the New Covenant of the Christian faith. All that drivel is man's traditions of legalism beyond Law, and is mostly from historical ignorance, like yours of beards and blades in Judaism.
Have a blessed week.