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Old 05-14-2008, 10:00 AM
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Question Platform Rules

Just wondering what some think about the difference in the platform rules, and other leadership rules.

Some pastors let some teach Sunday School, but don't let them on the platform, for whatever reason.

Or they can wear Jewerly in the pew, but not on the platform.

Crazy Huh......
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:09 AM
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Re: Platform Rules

Originally Posted by POWERUP View Post
Just wondering what some think about the difference in the platform rules, and other leadership rules.

Some pastors let some teach Sunday School, but don't let them on the platform, for whatever reason.

Or they can wear Jewerly in the pew, but not on the platform.

Crazy Huh......
Fear of being judged by their peers. If it's in the pew it can be excused as letting God clean them up (usually by way of the pressure to look like everyone else, and the idea that you are a second class citizen) but if they are on the platform then the pastor has to explain why he would let someone on the platform like that.
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:16 AM
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Re: Platform Rules

I love the way the movement looks at people as specially women. As Baron said in the pew God can work on them. That is the mentality of this movement. As if looking the part and being able to be on the platform means you are 'a-ok'. I think it is so easy to see that everyone in their spiritual walk is not at the same level, nor will everyone ever be at the same level. Once a person reaches a level of spiritual maturity they often times get legalistic in thinking about others. I do not have problems with platform standards as far as what you wear while you are physically on the platform, but to make it an over all rule that one can or can not wear certain things that is crazy. It should be obvious that immoral living such as fornication, drugs, drinking, and other things are definate no-nos. Also modesty is the key. If a lady wears ear rings and makeup when not on the platform that is ok with me, but if they go to the clubs and get wasted or go to the beach in a thong that is not right. Same for the men. There are standards of modesty and morality, but a strict code is not where it is at, IMO.
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:29 AM
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Re: Platform Rules

When my wife saw this thread this was her response;

What about how women feel who are NOT on the platform? If people put enough pressure on them, they will change, go somewhere else or learn to live with the shame.
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:32 AM
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Re: Platform Rules

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
When my wife saw this thread this was her response;

What about how women feel who are NOT on the platform? If people put enough pressure on them, they will change, go somewhere else or learn to live with the shame.
This is a correct reaction. I have a girl tell me once that if she didn't change she would not fit in and be out cast. While in that particular church was not exactly the case from everyone alot of the women would have and did cast her away. At that time I was all about standards, but I told her it is something that you do for God not do for men and women. I felt they were salvational, but that was because of what I was told once I studied it out on my own I realized that it is not. But that does not change the fact that peer pressure is that hardest thing to fight. It is super tough to swim against a strong tide even when it is not wrong too.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:37 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Platform Rules

I don't mind platform rules. In fact, I have a lot of respect for churches that have them in place.

I have seen churches that allow anything on the platform and sometimes, it's distracting or it just doesn't look right. For instance, jeans or jeanskirts (to me) doesn't look right on the platform. I think it's a good idea to have platform people look more dressed up than those on the pew.

Baron, I think your comments are totally unfair. While I believe there are churches that feel that way, they aren't anymore common than churches that require you to make a certain amount of money each year to be on the platform.

As a nurse, I have a dress code at work. No tattoos can be shown (even the administrator has to cover hers). Only one pair of earrings, and no facial piercings (this goes for everyone, including office staff). And we all have to wear appropriate attire, regardless what our position and title is. We are even told what kind of shoes we can and can't wear!

Does dressing with those rules in place make me a better nurse? If I dressed any other way than what they allowed, would it make me less of a nurse?

The answer to both questions is 'no'. But I'd hardly have the attitude that I'm a second class nurse if I don't have my scrubs on, or that they only reason why my job has rules in place is due to fear from their peers to keep us all in line.
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:40 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Platform Rules

You two apparently attend different churches than I ever did, and I was even raised in a strict church! One where if you were on the platform, you had to have your hair up if you were a woman and if you were a man, you had to wear a tie!

But I'd hardly say that women in the pews were pressured to wear their hair up or that men in the pews were made to feel less of a Christian if they didn't have a tie on. That was only for people on the platform. If you wanted to be on the platform, comply with those rules. If you didn't, no big deal.
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Platform Rules

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
You two apparently attend different churches than I ever did, and I was even raised in a strict church! One where if you were on the platform, you had to have your hair up if you were a woman and if you were a man, you had to wear a tie!

But I'd hardly say that women in the pews were pressured to wear their hair up or that men in the pews were made to feel less of a Christian if they didn't have a tie on. That was only for people on the platform. If you wanted to be on the platform, comply with those rules. If you didn't, no big deal.
I don't think that the problem is rules for when you are on the platform, it's rules that require certain attire, or forbid it, all the time if you want to be part of the ministry. You can teach Sunday school and wear make up, but you can't sing in the choir and wear it on Monday.
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Old 05-14-2008, 10:51 AM
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Re: Platform Rules

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
You two apparently attend different churches than I ever did, and I was even raised in a strict church! One where if you were on the platform, you had to have your hair up if you were a woman and if you were a man, you had to wear a tie!

But I'd hardly say that women in the pews were pressured to wear their hair up or that men in the pews were made to feel less of a Christian if they didn't have a tie on. That was only for people on the platform. If you wanted to be on the platform, comply with those rules. If you didn't, no big deal.
HO, all I can say is I have seen time where immediately after someone receives the HG that a lady in the church comes up to them and starts to dictate scripture out of context to basically tell them they have to change in order to be holy. I have personally seen after the pastor preaches a message about God's grace and mercy some one receives His spirit and then the next breath after they are done a lady is 'setting them straight' on the conditions of receiving God's grace. It doesn't make sense. Now this is an extreme situation, but I have seen it. Just let a women or man sit in a conservative congregation without changing anything....you will start to see one of two things. First the preacher preaching at them or the saints starting bible studies with them basically to teach them the ways of dress codes. I have seen it all too many times.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 05-14-2008, 11:00 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Platform Rules

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
I don't think that the problem is rules for when you are on the platform, it's rules that require certain attire, or forbid it, all the time if you want to be part of the ministry. You can teach Sunday school and wear make up, but you can't sing in the choir and wear it on Monday.
Gotcha. After posting, I was wondering if that was what you might be referring to.
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