Originally Posted by Trouvere
Usually when some one has a perverse spirit they have a lying spirit as well.
If someone is openly homosexual I would tend to trust what they say more than someone who is a close homosexual or bisexual or a pedophille.Being open shows that a lying spirit is not paired with root spirit.
This Uncle person could well have the Pastor convinced that he is in the right.
Its possible.Pray for this pastor.
Sis. T,
There is a huge difference between being homosexual [closet or otherwise] or a bisexual,
and being a pedophile. That is like saying only homosexuals are pedophiles which is a false statement in itself.
The man in question was heterosexual. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, necromancy are all sexual sins which are committed between two consenting adults, or a dead person.
Pedophila is an act against a child, whether male of female. In this act there is a person in a stronger position of authority taking advantage of a person in a weaker position. There is lying, manipulation, sadism, and lack of conscience in a person who commits pedophilia.
Pastors get put is some very difficult positions, I agree. But I also know that if the heart of the Pastor is right with God, and he prays...God will reveal truth to him.
What I find is the case in many instances regarding Pastors is that if they actually do something to sit down or expose a sin like this then they lose something of benefit for themselves, such as; This Pastor would lose a son-in-law, a good tithe payer, and some status. Maybe a Pastor finds it easier to lose a saint on a pew than a key person in their media department, or there are secondary gains to be had by not protecting the innocent party.
In this case we need to pray for this father/grandparent/pastor, because he lost more than he was expecting by defending the wrong person. It is his first duty to protect his daughter and granddaughters, not his own or the church's reputation. He lost all because he did not believe his granddaughters.
He should have been aware of the signs [we should be aware of the signs]: The person's secret life has signs in other areas of their life. You have to look a the big picture and not just at this one incident.
I knew of a case where the word of one adult was questioned above the accusations of another. The one accusing was unfaithful in business, a known manipulator, troublemaker, was under discipline from a previous Pastor for immoral behavior, and totally dependent upon the things they could acquire from others to have their needs met. The other was a highly respected professional in the community and in the church.
The Pastor was in a quandry as to who they would believe without looking at the facts. They stood to lose too much in the way of the activity one performed in the church that if they paid for the expertise they could not afford the service. They stood by the person who's moral character was in question rather than the innocent party. It cost them many people in the church and years of rebuilding.
I said all that to say this; Yes, Pastor's need prayer but they also need common sense, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and they need to stand for the right/righteous. It is God's church and if a hole is left by the loss of someone you feel gives an invaluable service...don't you know that God will honor your righteous judgement and send you someone more qualified that who you were defending? It is God's church. He has more invested than the Pastor. Let God be God.
In His Grip, Rhoni