This is no new thing. If you will do the research many denominations, especially authoritarian type churches [which include many of ours] harbor pedophiles. They are safe because the church's Patriarchal hierarchy teaches women and children to submit to men over them especially those in church leadership.
Many Apsotolics refuse to prosecute so as to keep the reputation of the church in tact, or a preacher's daughter who was molested by a man in a postion of authority over her from having to testify and ruin her chance of a good marriage. After all the victim is always somehow to blame especially if it is a female. They possibly wore a slit in their skirt or a sleeve above the elbow and incited lust in one of the men in the church.
Many think that if they say they are sorry then they don't have to pay the consequences of their behavior but that isn't what the Bible says. I will say, it is very difficult for me to have respect for leadership that uses pedophiles in places of leadership, especially where kids are involved. It is a foolish preacher who would do such a thing regardless of grace and mercy. To put a person with a penchant for children in the place of temptation by placing them anywhere in the church with direct contact with children is a disgrace/shame to that minister.
My opinion and not necessarily that of the management of this forum.
This is no new thing. If you will do the research many denominations, especially authoritarian type churches [which include many of ours] harbor pedophiles. They are safe because the church's Patriarchal hierarchy teaches women and children to submit to men over them especially those in church leadership.
Many Apsotolics refuse to prosecute so as to keep the reputation of the church in tact, or a preacher's daughter who was molested by a man in a postion of authority over her from having to testify and ruin her chance of a good marriage. After all the victim is always somehow to blame especially if it is a female. They possibly wore a slit in their skirt or a sleeve above the elbow and incited lust in one of the men in the church.
Many think that if they say they are sorry then they don't have to pay the consequences of their behavior but that isn't what the Bible says. I will say, it is very difficult for me to have respect for leadership that uses pedophiles in places of leadership, especially where kids are involved. It is a foolish preacher who would do such a thing regardless of grace and mercy. To put a person with a penchant for children in the place of temptation by placing them anywhere in the church with direct contact with children is a disgrace/shame to that minister.
My opinion and not necessarily that of the management of this forum.
Rhoni, you didn't say one thing I disagreed with.
ANY culture whether it is religious (of any denomination), political, or customary to a heritage, that promotes the idea of unaccountability and absolute authority will eventually have these types crawling out of the woodwork since it is the perfect safe haven for their deeds.
Many Apsotolics refuse to prosecute so as to keep the reputation of the church in tact, or a preacher's daughter who was molested by a man in a postion of authority over her from having to testify and ruin her chance of a good marriage. After all the victim is always somehow to blame especially if it is a female. They possibly wore a slit in their skirt or a sleeve above the elbow and incited lust in one of the men in the church.
And in this, it is no different then the Muslim community. Granted, I don't think the church has reached the point of allowing justifiable killings in order to keep the families honor yet.....
We had a board member in our church who was arrested for molesting children on the school bus that he drove. The previous Pastor was told by his two neices [who were obese, suicidal, and very troubled] that they were molested by their uncle/this same man. The Pastor told them that they needed to forgive him because " was under the blood".
1. If it were under the blood he would not have continued to do it.
2. Forgiveness is not always the beginning of healing but near the end of it.
3. A Pastor should never cover the sin of saints in regard to the 'duty to report' abuse of children.
Because the Pastor did nothing to stop this man, he molested his children, grandchildren nieces, ect...there is quite a list. But the Pastor did have a "yes" man on his board who would do anything the Pastor said because the Pastor kept his secret.