What Makes You A....
Republican, Democrat, Independent, Constitutionalist, and etc?
For example:
I am a Registered Republican and will remain so.
I am for abortion only to save the life of the mother.
I am for the death penalty, but only when the DNA evidence present convicts the person being put to death.
I am pro-business and believe that if state and local governments were more pro-business in their policies, the "problem cities" of the north wouldn't be so problematic as there would more jobs and more opportunities for people to make a decent living legally.
I firmly believe that illegal immigrants should be summarilly deported- not to their homelands, but to mexico since it has been the role of the Mexican government to help these folks for so many years.
I think public-charter schools are a great concept-- the perfect blend of government cooperating with private citizens in a venture that everyone has a stake in.
I am for higher taxes on the wealthier, with giving them meaningful incentives that affect their tax rate when they make business decisions that benefit Americans, specifically at the local levels-- the more local and positive the immediate impact of their business decisions, the greater the tax "incentive" should be.
I see many gun control measures as anti- Constitutional, but there are modern issues that must be addressed. Just how, I am not completely sure. It may be best to simply leave this issue in the hands of the local governments (city and county) as the issues of Milwaukee are not the same as Kenosha-- but they are within the same state.
Homosexuality should not be codified by our government, but there are alot of sins our government codifies that are not hot-button issues for us. Why? Simply because we are repulsed by homosexuality-- but our repulsion should not be the basis for public policy if we are not going to be morally correct across the board.
I rejoiced when the Supreme Court refused to hear the most recent case to challenge the military's, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
I consider myself to be a Moderate Republican. How about you?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."