I prefer to be Christian, Jesus is the best example. However, those apostle were pretty good guys.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Depends on who is asking and what their definition of Apostolic is and then depends on the one who is answering and what their definition of Apostolic is.
Depends on who is asking and what their definition of Apostolic is and then depends on the one who is answering and what their definition of Apostolic is.
Apostolic is in the eye of the beholder!
"In your estimation"
You're all members of the "Apostolic Friends Forum" So what, in your estimation, makes you an Apostolic?
Maybe I should bother the people who post in "deep waters" with this one, if it's too heavy for here.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
baptism in Jesus name and infilling of Holy Ghost evidenced with speaking in tongues....working in the gifts of the Spirit... as the Apostles were.
too bad too many associate Apostolic with the outward conservative lifestyle... such as long skirts and hair. Wish we would get back to the beginning.
I agree with you, ForeverBlessed (good to see you post), that we should not be indentified by rules. If I may, let me ask you, do you agree that there will definitely be lifestyle evidence of our Apostolic character through the effective operation of the fruit of the indwelling Spirit of God and obedience to principles established in the Word?
It means that I am baptised in Jesus' name, filled with the Holy Ghost and living a godly life, which most certainly includes how we dress. But, it is not limited solely to dress, but clearly goes to the whole lifestyle issue which many on here think is much broader in scope than others.
Lifestyle includes many things such as how we spend the money that we earn, how we talk to those around us, how we are perceived in the eyes of our fellow man, how we live at home when the doors are locked and no one else can see what is truly happening in the home.
Many in our ranks can answer well to many of these things, but when the doors are closed so much changes.