Every night we pray before Levi goes to bed. For about the last year he has said “AMEN” when we are done. After Dada (first word) and Mama (second), “Amen” was one of the very first words he ever spoke. But last night was way different. We said our prayers and Melissa rocked him as is their custom. But while she was rocking him he bowed his head, covered his eyes and began to talk in that 2 year old gibberish, but you would hear interspersed words that he knows “PawPaw, TT (that is my sister), dada, moma….then at the end he said “AMEN!”
Wow. Last night was one of those unbelievable moments that we will treasure forever. He cant even talk but he is learning to pray!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!