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Old 12-27-2008, 03:57 PM
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PraiseHymn PraiseHymn is offline
Saved And Sanctified Since 1992

Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Durham, NC (Born and raised in NYC)
Posts: 375
Funeral With $100 Offering Line (HUH??)

I had to tell someone about this. So I went to this funeral / musical last night 12/26 for a local minister of music who died here in ATL and why after 4 choirs did the pastor of this church get up and say "There is a blessing in the house, we need to give tonight". I was like huh????????? Did I hear that right? The family litterally collapsed walking down the aisle while the Praise and Worship team sung a familiar worship song, and you mean to tell me we have to give an offering. Get this, the Pastor claims it was for the daughter of the deceased (although I am still wondering why didn't the church just give the last check of the minister of music to the family). Aint look like no one had not eaten for days. Is this what the world has come to? He started the offering line out at $100 (as if I was prepared to give....I didn't even bring my bible never the less my wallet into the church!) Not once did he say that the family was poor or that they had no food or that it was a burden to pay for an unexpected funeral. I was so mad (along with others) that there was a mass exodus. People walked out and never came back in. Oh, let me not forget he said that there was an ATM and they were taking credit cards if they did not have cash or checks. All you had to do was go into the church bookstore to make your transaction. *sigh* Ushers, please come to the front . . . HUH?????? (and let me just add I felt in my Spirit that this church was up to no good and the night of the funeral was the WRONG NIGHT to make a money line. How simple would it have been "Oh thou Mega Ministry" to have made this announcement on Sunday when the whole church perhaps could have participated, not when the casket is open and everyone is passing out)
….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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