Re: Is this too much compromise?
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
None of that is Oneness language, that's all trinitarian language he's using. But the main thing is the Salvation area. Yes, it is true it comes by grace through faith, but your not saved unless you are born of water and the Spirit! Outside of that, your faith does you nothing towards salvation. You can't be saved by the teachings of the epistles, and most your so called Christian world doesn't understand that. So by him saying this, he's bringing confusion to people if they don't know better.
Interesting, so the objection isn't that what he is saying is false but that by omitting very important points of differentiation with Trinitarians that he is doing something wrong. Why can he not just speak truth? Why does everything he states about his beliefs have to include what differentiates him from Trinitarians?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!