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Old 06-19-2018, 07:06 AM
Evang.Benincasa's Avatar
Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: President Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Priz

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
This weekend my friend Aaron and I went to the VA cemetery to visit our dad's graves. We're both military and not only do we both suffer from a degree of PTSD, but we know many who do. We also know men who have ended their lives because they couldn't get control of their PTSD symptoms.

Yes, I truly pray that God miraculously heal us all. However, if a medication will help someone, or keep a vet alive, along enough to receive a miraculous healing, I have no issues with it. Vets will tell you that it isn't uncommon to have to take a dozen pills to treat PTSD symptoms. Those with severe PTSD who are taking cannabis in states where it is legal are down to one or two without the mind numbing side effects of the pills typically prescribed.

I don't believe it is a sin to take any form of medication.
This is where we have come as a people.

The above post is to elicit one thing, an emotional response. We will have posts which will do that from time to time due to this forum being a religious forum. Yet, allow me to point some things out. Chris and Aaron go to visit graves. We immediately cut to read about suicides due to PTSD, We then read how Chris hopes that all may be healed BUT that isn't the case. Because medication no matter what it is or what it will do in the short or long run isn't an issue. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, people who are outside Jesus name would have to resort to whatever. That is because they are outside of the covering and guidance of the power of God. From the years of reading Chris' posts he flips from one pole to another. He will come off like some Holy Joe spouting prayers, and appearing so spiritual, and on the other side, he becomes this secular political religious poster giving us his politically correct views of how we should fit in.

Is PTSD only an issue with Veterans? Our society will flat out tell you NO WAY. PTSD is carried by everyone who ever drew breath in some degree or another. But Chris is a 24kt gold drama queen. His Tolstoy Ballet is comprised of eliciting emotion. Instead of critiquing logic after examining all evidence presented. Marijuana now helps people? Seriously? All of a sudden now it helps people? I'm not talking the campy foolishness of the old movies like Refer Madness, which showed the pot caused psychopathic behavior. It isn't PCP. or FLAKKA. Yet, it is a strong psychotropic drug.

On NPR recently, the liberals argued for using LSD in therapy? While some may laugh, yet this is no laughing matter. If some idiot doctor or psychiatrist came along advocating it as a treatment for PTSD. You can bet your Lucchese boots that Aquila Chris would be waving the flag for the use of LSD for those who have PTSD. He would use emotional manipulation instead of the logic of the Gospel. I'll tell you this, Chris has spent a lot of time away from you Apostolics. With his hanging out with the bless me clubs of lets Bible share. Religious group therapy. Praying for healings amount to whispers, and piously bowed heads among the group. There was a song by McFalls called places I've been. It speaks seeing eyes being opened and the lame walk again. Also being at the bedside of a dear saint of God, when the doctors said no hope was in sight, BUT, the family gathered in and begun bombarding heaven, and you could hear someone praying all night. The doctors said it had to be a miracle. This is what it is the true and only treatment! This is what I'm talking about! Not pointing to someone and telling them to light up a dube while we have silent prayer.

Struggling, thoughts of suicide? Listen readers smoking dubes because you are depressed, struggling with thoughts of suicide isn't a new thing. People have been doing that since they came back from WWII and Vietnam. Now they legalize it and think something has changed? Also, when people like Aquila tell you that people are helped by marijuana they are incredibly misinformed, and are just Polly Parroting what they have heard through Politically Correct media. We have no proof of anyone being helped by marijuana usage. He can post YouTubes all day and night, tear jerking stories which will make you cry. Yet, the facts are the facts. Psychotropic medications are the door way to nowhere.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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