Originally Posted by mfblume
The bible does not call is sin nature. It never uses those terms. It simply says SIN and the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. And using THOSE terms, SIN remains in our flesh until we die. And until then we can only override it.
Now, anyone care to respond to my claim that denial of original sin demands salvation by works?
Sin is transgression of the law of God. Are you saying Christians transgress God's law until death but go to heaven anyway?
Denial of original sin doctrine does not require salvation by works. However acceptance of original sin doctrine requires salvation as a matter of justice rather than grace, ie God OWES it to us to save us.
Original sin doctrine destroys grace. Grace us undeserved favor. Original sin says you are hell bound just for existing, for having a sin nature. What is there to be PARDONED?
Pardon is forgiveness of crimes. It is no crime to do what you cannot BUT do. But is sin is not an involuntary nature but a voluntary choice, then sin is crime (transgression) and DESERVES PUNISHMENT, and the sinner CAN be pardoned upon certain conditions (like the Atonement).