Re: Christianity is based on substitutionary atone
Originally Posted by Gnostic Bishop
Did you see anything that was not true?
No you did not. It is not my fault that you never really thought of the disgusting theology you follow.
No theology that begins with barbaric human sacrifice is worthy.
But do not think of what you follow. You would not want you to be enlightened.
If you were an honest man, you would have answered those little questions that upset you.
How you critics of the Word twist a person's points! Wow. lol. Nothing you said upset me. I just asked you a simple question. Are you another OCD missionary who just cannot keep quiet about their bitterness towards the Bible? What is your purpose saying what you do? What do you hope to accomplish? Can you not answer that?
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."